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Re: Chest-on-a-belt

Post by ssilk »

Sedado77 wrote:
ssilk wrote:One of those big postings. :) [...]
Now i picture it better... But still i'd life some "Road" or "walkway" or something to make the islands you say. Something to mark for myself "leave this X amount of tiles for the trucks to go by".
It doesn't have to be for the robotrucks or have any utility, just aesthetics. filling the empty places and have it look nicer! :)
Yes, me too. Alone to drive through your factory without destroying it this is needed. But the theme of this thread is in general about transportation and this "gap between belt and train".
What I suggested is just an ultimate simple way of transportation stuff from X to Y.
ssilk wrote:
sedado77 wrote:- Have them speed up with research, but not too much
I love this idea. I think trains need buffing. In amaunt that can be carried AND in speed.
Very good point. Yes, that would make much sense.
I usually fill only 1 chest with 1 entire train (3 waggons).
Hu? How? And why?? ...
This makes it impossible to use 1-way rails, because you NEED to have 4 or 5 trains in the track for getting enough resources... if with 2 trais you were allowed to transport the same, you can have them in a 1way track, and since tracks are EXPENSIVE AS HELL for the amount you need for a long journey, 2ble rail is not allways an option from the start...
Talking about this, maybe make another rail type: LONG STRAIGHT RAIL, make it cost twice as much as the current straight rail, and have it be 3-5 times longer. This would make it more viable for trains!!!!
Sorry, understood only 50%. :)
I Often see let's plays in wich they use LOTS of curved rails, where the train goes in zig-zag, and even if it is A LOT SLOWER, it ends up being more resource-efficient (because you would use 4 curved tracks for the space you'll need to place like 8 straight tracks) at early game than a lot of straight rails :S
This is currently so. I think this will change, when you can place tracks automatically.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Chest-on-a-belt

Post by ssilk »

Sorry about double posting... I saw that just yet.
Neotix wrote:This is my idea for Transport Carts.
Carts can only move in one direction determined by the monorails.
When the cart stopped at the station, is treated like a logical chest. You can connect the pole at the station with the logical system...
I read that through and liked it in some way. Yes! Much work, no question and a very clear vision.
Three or two month ago I would say, this is it. But now I think different.

I like your idea, that the cart is just an logistic chest. The chest type can change per station. At station 1 it is a requester chest and requests iron, and at station 2 it's a provider chest. The problem with that is, that we need finished researched logistics. But I like to have those trucks to be ready before logistics and rails, because of this gap. It also means to configure, where to stop ands hat type of chest and how long it should wait etc. But that is exactly, what I would like to avoid.

I mean this is the most important point: this must also be built, setup, configured etc. but then it is just the same as the rail. A little bit smaller. A little bit more leightweighted. Nice to watch, nice to play around, but useless, when you are standing 500 tiles away and just want to connect this mines to your factory.
But I think, that is exactly, what's missing: some very leightweighted, nearly zero configuring thing to cover the area around some more or less big "center". Must not be fast. Just steady. Must not be reliable. But needs to be extendable: if you need or want you can send the carts over routing points. The carts need to follow the routing points, but between they can operate free. Then you can make streets: the begin and end of a street is a routing point and once on a street, they need to follow it. One way streets. Traffic lights... all that can be introduced, if really needed.

And your idea is not dead with mine. Your's also an extension! If you have "trucks" - or carts are the better name for that - something with a stack inside that moves on ground, following some track, route or let's name it street, then your idea is just a special type. The monorails is just a special type of street, where the carts are forced to run on... Let's make a mod about it. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Chest-on-a-belt

Post by Neotix »

I also don't want complex system with tones of settings and difficult configuration. It should be easy and working in 90% automatically like bots.
Just setup station what they provide / request, how log cart have to wait (until full / empty or just few second) and it's all. Rest is done automatically.

I know that it can be done with bots, but for me it's not elegant solution. Bots are making mess in my factory, laying around like insects.
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Re: Chest-on-a-belt

Post by Sedado77 »

ssilk wrote:
sedado77 wrote:I usually fill only 1 chest with 1 entire train (3 waggons).
Hu? How? And why?? ...
Easy!! Trains Carry up to 15 Stacks
Smart Chests can fit 48 stacks.
15*3=45 and 3 stacks left empty.

:roll: (priest here) :roll:
ssilk wrote:
sedado77 wrote:This makes it impossible to use 1-way rails...
Sorry, understood only 50%. :)
If you have a 2-way track (only one track for trains to go and return, not double track), with a way to make the train turn around at the end (a loop at either side) AND you make the stations NOT ON THE TRACK, but with it's own track, like this

+______+_______+__> ("_" =Rails - "+"=Jounction
\______/\______/ (Stations

You can have 2 trains going by the same track, and make 1 stop in station A, and the second one can still get to station B, and then turn around by the same track.That's what i ment.
BUT you can't have more than N Trains (N=stations quantity) in this way, so if you have 1 station+base unload station, you can have 2 trains without having to make a double rail. So, it would be nice if trains could carry more capacity, instead of having to build more quantity of trains, being that RAILS ARE EXPENSIVE STEEL-WISE. Specially at early-game.
ssilk wrote:
sedado77 wrote:I Often see let's plays in wich they use LOTS of curved rails, where the train goes in zig-zag, and even if it is A LOT SLOWER, it ends up being more resource-efficient (because you would use 4 curved tracks for the space you'll need to place like 8 straight tracks) at early game than a lot of straight rails :S
This is currently so. I think this will change, when you can place tracks automatically.
I think is more of a cost issue, not so much a placing thing. Because you "click and run" to place straight rails, but have to REALLY be wary when placing the curved ones, and have to rotate it like 4 times per placed curved rail, making it a tedious job, but even then it is more viable resourcewise. Watch Inzania's gameplay videos in his youtuve channel , for a more visual idea.
Talking about this, maybe make another rail type: LONG STRAIGHT RAIL, make it cost twice as much as the current straight rail, and have it be 3-5 times longer. This would make it more viable for staight trains!!!!

I hope i made myself a little bit clearer. THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ AND ANSWER!!! :)
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Re: Chest-on-a-belt

Post by Sedado77 » ... 305#p22305

This thread should be convined with this one!!! :)
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