This is a request to add an entity with the following properties:
As simple-entity but with the following additions:
The entity can have a force.
The entity is included in blueprints by default (but not if blueprintable flag excludes it).
Example use case:
I'm working on a 'zones' system where you can mark area as a zone for various reasons. [MOD 0.14] Programmable Warfare - command units via signals.
The zones need to have no collision and be on a specific low-level rendering layer so they act more like radius visualization than a normal object. I've tried using the decorative type but that has undesirable side effects when placing concrete over it. Simple-entity is better but is excluded from blueprints. Wall can be blueprinted but has undesired interactions with walls. There are a number of other types I could choose but they all have various downsides and overheads.
It could be called 'Simple-Force-Entity', 'Generic-Entity' or something else that might make more sense. The important thing is a force-based blueprintable entity with minimal overhead and minimal hard-coded interactions with other entities.
As simple-entity but with the following additions:
The entity can have a force.
The entity is included in blueprints by default (but not if blueprintable flag excludes it).
Example use case:
I'm working on a 'zones' system where you can mark area as a zone for various reasons. [MOD 0.14] Programmable Warfare - command units via signals.
The zones need to have no collision and be on a specific low-level rendering layer so they act more like radius visualization than a normal object. I've tried using the decorative type but that has undesirable side effects when placing concrete over it. Simple-entity is better but is excluded from blueprints. Wall can be blueprinted but has undesired interactions with walls. There are a number of other types I could choose but they all have various downsides and overheads.
It could be called 'Simple-Force-Entity', 'Generic-Entity' or something else that might make more sense. The important thing is a force-based blueprintable entity with minimal overhead and minimal hard-coded interactions with other entities.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Another use case can be seen here:
Currently letters are using the constant combinator type because it has the least unwanted side effects, but still has an undesired UI.
Currently letters are using the constant combinator type because it has the least unwanted side effects, but still has an undesired UI.
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
You can turn off the UI with `someEntity.operable = false` during the `on_entity_built` event
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Are there any other side-effects of doing that?
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Not that I'm aware of, as far as I can tell it only prevents default GUI appearing when you click the entity.
The entity can still be:
* selected (prototype property `selectable_in_game` can change that, or create it as neutral/enemy force)
* active ( can be set to disable if required)
* minable (LuaEntity.minable can be set to stop mining)
* destructible (LuaEntity.destructible ...)
* rotatable (LuaEntity.rotatable ...)
The entity can still be:
* selected (prototype property `selectable_in_game` can change that, or create it as neutral/enemy force)
* active ( can be set to disable if required)
* minable (LuaEntity.minable can be set to stop mining)
* destructible (LuaEntity.destructible ...)
* rotatable (LuaEntity.rotatable ...)
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
That's good to know, thanks.
That does improve the situation when using a few of the entities like Text Plates, but I worry about the overhead of adding millions of constant combinators to a scene if they are used for zones. I think it's likely that someone will at some point think it's a good idea to cover their base in a massive home zone.
That does improve the situation when using a few of the entities like Text Plates, but I worry about the overhead of adding millions of constant combinators to a scene if they are used for zones. I think it's likely that someone will at some point think it's a good idea to cover their base in a massive home zone.
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
If you set their '.active = false' then the game will still render them but not process any of their game logic, at which point they are almost as lean as a simple-entity.
There's also a debug mode (F4 menu) for showing entity active state - any with green circle are running game logic, any with no circle aren't currently running game logic but are active, and any with red circle are disabled. (I think, lol)
There's also a debug mode (F4 menu) for showing entity active state - any with green circle are running game logic, any with no circle aren't currently running game logic but are active, and any with red circle are disabled. (I think, lol)
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
That is really useful information, thanks.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
So the last critical issue with using a constant combinator in place of a dedicated simple-force-entity is that a constant combinator does not support Types/RenderLayer. Does anyone have a workaround for this too? I can't just make it invisible and put a decorative underneath because it would be invisible in blueprints.
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
I've just run in to something similar with pipe-to-ground - the render_layer property appears to be ignored (or maybe it's limited to certain layers)... I was trying to set it to "floor" but no joy.
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
What all properties would you imagine such an entity type would support?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Doesn't setting `.active = false` more or less turn any entity in to a simple-entity (in terms of CPU usage)? If that is the case, I'm not sure if simple-force-entity is required?
Would be good if all entities could handle the `render_layer = "floor"` setting (or any equivalent that has similar effect).
Would be good if all entities could handle the `render_layer = "floor"` setting (or any equivalent that has similar effect).
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
I think there would be problems for things like inserters and power poles. The only way I can see that working is if render_layer was supported on the sprite object and render_layer on the entity just defines the default for any sprites without a defined render_layer.aubergine18 wrote:Would be good if all entities could handle the `render_layer = "floor"` setting (or any equivalent that has similar effect).
I'll try and make a complete list tonight.Rseding91 wrote:What all properties would you imagine such an entity type would support?
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Here are the properties I would image a Simple-Force-Entity might support.
Supports force and inclusion in blueprint unless "not-blueprintable"
Can support orientation but with a single sprite image there would be no difference. Maybe require a rotate = true to activate orientation?
(No default UI)
Example entity definition:
LuaEntity support:
Supports force and inclusion in blueprint unless "not-blueprintable"
Can support orientation but with a single sprite image there would be no difference. Maybe require a rotate = true to activate orientation?
(No default UI)
Example entity definition:
Code: Select all
type = "simple-force-entity",
name = "example",
flags = {"placeable-player", "placeable-neutral", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "player-creation", "not-on-map",
"breaths-air", "not-repairable", "building-direction-8-way", "not-blueprintable", "not-deconstructable"},
icon = "iconpath.png",
subgroup = "subgroup",
order = "a[example]-bexample]",
collision_box = {{-0.45, -0.45}, {0.45, 0.45}},
collision_mask = {"Types/CollisionMask", "Types/CollisionMask"}
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
drawing_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
max_health = 200,
healing_per_tick = 200,
emissions_per_tick = -0.0005,
weight = 5,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
selectable_in_game = true/false,
minable =
mining_particle = "stone-particle",
mining_time = 8,
result = "stone",
count = 20
loot =
{item = "stone", probability = 1, count_min = 5, count_max = 10}
mined_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg" },
render_layer = "Types/RenderLayer",
resistances =
type = "fire",
percent = 100
autoplace =
order = "a[example]-b[example]",
max_probability = 0.25,
peaks =
influence = 0.0002
influence = 0.002;
min_influence = 0,
elevation_optimal = 30000,
elevation_range = 23000,
elevation_max_range = 30000,
pictures =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/decorative/stone-rock/stone-rock-01.png",
width = 76,
height = 60,
frame_count = 4,
animation_speed = 1.5,
direction_count = 16,
shift = {0.1, 0}
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/decorative/stone-rock/stone-rock-02.png",
width = 83,
height = 86,
frame_count = 4,
animation_speed = 1.5,
direction_count = 16,
shift = {0.2, 0}
layers =
width = 102,
height = 86,
frame_count = 2,
direction_count = 64,
shift = {0, -0.1875},
animation_speed = 8,
max_advance = 0.2,
stripes =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-1.png",
width_in_frames = 2,
height_in_frames = 22,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-2.png",
width_in_frames = 2,
height_in_frames = 22,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-3.png",
width_in_frames = 2,
height_in_frames = 20,
width = 100,
height = 75,
frame_count = 2,
apply_runtime_tint = true,
direction_count = 64,
max_advance = 0.2,
line_length = 2,
shift = {0, -0.171875},
stripes = util.multiplystripes(2,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-1.png",
width_in_frames = 1,
height_in_frames = 22,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-2.png",
width_in_frames = 1,
height_in_frames = 22,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-3.png",
width_in_frames = 1,
height_in_frames = 20,
Code: Select all
damage(damage, force, type) → float
destroy() → boolean
has_flag(flag) → boolean
revive() → uint (as ghost)
name :: string [R]
ghost_name :: string [R] (as ghost)
localised_name :: LocalisedString [R]
ghost_localised_name :: LocalisedString [R] (as ghost)
type :: string [R]
ghost_type :: string [R] (as ghost)
active :: boolean [RW] (can switch on/off, however there would be no logic attached so would not make any difference)
destructible :: boolean [RW]
minable :: boolean [RW]
rotatable :: boolean [RW]
operable :: boolean [RW]
health :: float [RW]
direction :: defines.direction [RW]
supports_direction :: boolean [R]
orientation :: float [RW]
prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [R]
ghost_prototype :: LuaEntityPrototype [R] (as ghost)
time_to_live :: uint [RW] (as ghost)
color :: Color [RW]
last_user :: LuaPlayer [RW]
unit_number :: uint [R]
bounding_box :: BoundingBox [R]
valid :: boolean [R]
teleport(position, surface) → boolean
surface :: LuaSurface [R]
position :: Position [R]
force :: LuaForce [R]
- aubergine18
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- Posts: 1264
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
The ability to repair it, or have robots rebuilt it if destroyed, would be very desirable.
In terms of sprite image, if it works like simple-entity (ie. multiple images can be specified and it chooses one at random when built) that would be great
Like simple-entity, the sprite would only have one orientation.
The usual sound properties - including built_sound, etc., would be desirable.
localised_description would also be desirable.
It's difficult to say what's needed, because I'm not entirely sure what properties a simple-entity has...
Is .weight property available on all entities?
In terms of sprite image, if it works like simple-entity (ie. multiple images can be specified and it chooses one at random when built) that would be great

The usual sound properties - including built_sound, etc., would be desirable.
localised_description would also be desirable.
It's difficult to say what's needed, because I'm not entirely sure what properties a simple-entity has...
Is .weight property available on all entities?
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Just to be clear, the values in the example flags don't represent the default, it just represents the flag options that it could support.
I.e. "not-blueprintable" means that it would be blueprintable by default but the "not-blueprintable" flag could switch that off.
I.e. "not-blueprintable" means that it would be blueprintable by default but the "not-blueprintable" flag could switch that off.
Re: Simple-Force-Entity
I added "simple-entity-with-force" and "simple-entity-with-owner" for 0.15.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
- aubergine18
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Re: Simple-Force-Entity
Awesome! Assuming there are no examples of these entities being used in the vanilla prototypes, would it be possible to get a list of the properties they support (or the properties they add, compared to simple-entity)?
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.