[MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »


cannon turret is change image.
and before cannon turret change artillery.

big artillery fire same vertical
small artillery is normal
small artillery shot
all turrets
thank you so much! railgun dart!!
and I think same you. mk2 is very high performance and cluster shells are very strong than same level rocket.
It will be down. But I trouble how much.

Thank you!!
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

Yes! Now the small artillery is exactly what I wanted! Thanks! :D
(But please, don't one-shot the spawners. xD)

To find the right balance, I think the best way is to set evolution factor to 1 (/c game.evolution_factor = 1) and test with bigger enemies. To me, behemoth enemies should at least be able to damage the turrets before being killed. :lol:
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by zumf »

Thanks for reverting to the old icons! New turrets and turret concepts look awesome.

Regarding the Enhanced Laser Turret: Is it meant to do damage to your own structures? Anything in the path of the projectile seems to be getting damaged, and because the area of fire is 360 degrees around the turret this can destroy important things.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »

zumf wrote:Thanks for reverting to the old icons! New turrets and turret concepts look awesome.

Regarding the Enhanced Laser Turret: Is it meant to do damage to your own structures? Anything in the path of the projectile seems to be getting damaged, and because the area of fire is 360 degrees around the turret this can destroy important things.

I want no turning and 90 or more deg angle range, but original entity is sometimes turret ends up rotated by biters. stable angle is 60 or less degrees.
I making entity same thrower turret. many times it seems necessary. If you want change 60 deg same mk2 turrets.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mezmerro »

New cannon turret looks a bit too thin and flimsy. Could you add a turret ring (like that on the rapid cannon turret) or concrete base (like on small artillery or MK2 cannon)?
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

zumf wrote:Regarding the Enhanced Laser Turret: Is it meant to do damage to your own structures? Anything in the path of the projectile seems to be getting damaged, and because the area of fire is 360 degrees around the turret this can destroy important things.
Too bad, it is what I called friendly fire issue. Yes, if it is possible, please limit the fire angle so the turrets are more controllable. :)

Good job on the artillery. I really love them! (The big one can have slightly shorter cool down, and maybe slower projectile speed so we can keep track on them. ;) )
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by aubergine18 »

If you ever need sound effects for the turrets, projectiles or explosions, there's a load of GPL open source .ogg files here: https://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2 ... /audio/sfx
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »

Mezmerro wrote:New cannon turret looks a bit too thin and flimsy. Could you add a turret ring (like that on the rapid cannon turret) or concrete base (like on small artillery or MK2 cannon)?
ammmm maybe?... I'm not designer.. Graphic modifications are taking too long. Please wait! :roll:

Mooncat wrote: Too bad, it is what I called friendly fire issue. Yes, if it is possible, please limit the fire angle so the turrets are more controllable. :)

Good job on the artillery. I really love them! (The big one can have slightly shorter cool down, and maybe slower projectile speed so we can keep track on them. ;) )
2 laser turret angle is limited next version :)
what means big artillery cooldown up?? or down??
big one projectile go very very highly, because muzzle is vertical position. I think tracking is impossible...
If I have new graphic entity, making small one! ;)

aubergine18 wrote:If you ever need sound effects for the turrets, projectiles or explosions, there's a load of GPL open source .ogg files here: https://github.com/Warzone2100/warzone2 ... /audio/sfx
Wow!! Thank you!! ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

sore68 wrote:what means big artillery cooldown up?? or down??
big one projectile go very very highly, because muzzle is vertical position. I think tracking is impossible...
Shorter cooldown => faster attack speed.
For now it waits a little bit too long before shooting another projectile. And because of that, each shot becomes very important. But it is so hard to know where it lands, it makes me sad when I misses its landing effect. So I think giving it a faster attack speed may solve the problem. But then, maybe damage should be reduced accordingly. :P

I may have requested too much, it is your mod, do whatever you want. :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by deimosian »

I love this mod, thank you so much for cannon turrets!

Can haz shotgun turrets?
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »

deimosian wrote:I love this mod, thank you so much for cannon turrets!

Can haz shotgun turrets?

haz = laser??
I will try that! :)
But I don't know haz shotgun turrets position. Can you talk me some your ideas??? :D

low range : rapid turrets
mid range : nomal turrets and mk2 cannon
long range : mk2 rocket and howitzers
base attack: howitzer
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by deimosian »

Well, they're be very short range and high damage, spread pattern would let them hit multiple targets at once like regular shotguns. I'd probably give them 100% damage bonus and 50% longer range than the handheld shotguns, double the attack speed of the combat shotgun. Recipe could be two combat shotguns, a gun turret and some odds and ends of steel and circuitry or whatnot.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

deimosian wrote:Well, they're be very short range and high damage, spread pattern would let them hit multiple targets at once like regular shotguns. I'd probably give them 100% damage bonus and 50% longer range than the handheld shotguns, double the attack speed of the combat shotgun. Recipe could be two combat shotguns, a gun turret and some odds and ends of steel and circuitry or whatnot.
Shotgun turret will have friendly fire issue, like when you use shotgun to shoot at your buildings.
If you build wall in front of the shotgun turrets, the wall will be destroyed by the turrets.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by aubergine18 »

Can haz
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Zerhackos »


just a quick note. I tried uninstalling the mod after testing it for a bit. My Savegame was not able to be loaded succesfully then. After toggling it on again, the savegame was working again.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

I think I have found a way to fix the friendly fire issue, so we will not need to fix the fire angle of the laser turrets. I will get back to you when I confirm it.
Maybe shotgun turret is also possible. :P
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

Yes, I found it! The magic property:

Code: Select all

force = "enemy"
Add this inside ammo_type.action

So, for your railgun turret (prototype laser turret):

Code: Select all

			action =
				type = "line",
				range = laser_range * test_1_range_md * 2,
				width = 2,
				force = "enemy", -- Add this

				source_effects = ...
And for the enhanced laser turret:

Code: Select all

			action =
					type = "line",
					range = laser_range * test_2_range_md * 2,
					width = 3,
					force = "enemy", -- Add this.
					action_delivery =
						type = "projectile",
						projectile = "laserbeam-1",
						starting_speed = 5,
				}, ...
However, this will make the turrets unable to destroy trees, because they now can only damage enemies.

As an exchange, would you mind also request new art for the advanced laser turret and prototype laser turret? :P
(By the way, it is "Advanced", not "Advansed" ;) )

Edit: the experimental heavy howitzer is causing lag now... please make sure you are not doing crazy things in the script, like searching targets in huge area. :?
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »

Zerhackos wrote:Hallo,

just a quick note. I tried uninstalling the mod after testing it for a bit. My Savegame was not able to be loaded succesfully then. After toggling it on again, the savegame was working again.
Can I have some more information??
I try it
new game -> build all turrets -> save game -> delete mod -> load game
But it is successfully loading..

Mooncat wrote: ...
Do you want only attack enemy shotgun turret??

force code in projectiles is useful, but I don't know attack to enemy and neutral.. just only enemy..

your laser idea so good! I think each turrets are divided the level.
Prototype laser has limited functionality (lock angle, range, sticker...)
Enhanced laser has unlock(more long range, 360deg angle, has sticker only damaged enemy...)

Thanks to hold my typo, thanks!! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by Mooncat »

sore68 wrote:Do you want only attack enemy shotgun turret??
Deimosian from above suggested the shotgun turret. With that "force" property, I think it is possible to implement it without the friendly fire issue.
It is totally up to you to whether do it or not. ;)

Yes, the images are good. At least they don't look like the vanilla laser tower, or the combination of beacon and laser turret. :lol:
Yuoki Tani's images are one of the reasons why I enjoy this mod.

About the experimental heavy howitzer, I checked your code, I think the lag is caused by surface.find_entities_filtered with a huge area. Its performance isn't good, when it runs, it lags. :(
A solution can be do the similar thing as Orbital Ion Cannon:
1) use another radar entity to search (edit: oh, you already have a radar on the howitzer! Then just use it. ;) )
2) when defines.events.on_sector_scanned is called, search enemies inside that single chunk
3) if enemy is found, loop through all valid experimental heavy howitzers to attack if in range

Yes, it will be very similar to Orbital Ion Cannon, but I think this is the only solution to make a turret to only attack enemy spawners or worms...
Actually, because the damage area of experimental heavy howitzer is already so big, I don't mind if you just turn it into a normal turret and let it attack anything in range. :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Additional-turret

Post by sore68 »


I thought you want more quickly.
I try shot shotgun turret(attack short range) + capsule shotting module(debuff sticker)
But so harder not running haha;;;;;
I can create already exists original entities, It's just not the image.

I'm similar to your opinion. each shot(find_entities_filtered) have a lags :(
on_sector_scanned.. I think Radar scan seems to be closed at near sector. :?:
But it is very good idea!!! :!: I will try it or divide the area(1/4 or more..)

Thank you!! :D
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