TIR 0 = truthy

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TIR 0 = truthy

Post by aubergine18 »

Today I remembered: In Lua, number 0 is a truthy value (only `nil` and `false` are falsey, everything else, including empty string, is truthy).

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if 0 then
  game.print('truthy') -- prints 'truthy' to console
So if you're using % in an on_tick event handler, bear that in mind... you can't just use "if not game.tick % 180 then", you have to do something like:

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script.on_event( defines.events.on_tick, function()
  if game.tick % 180 == 0 then
      -- do something every 180 ticks
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Re: TIR 0 = truthy

Post by Klonan »

Its slightly easier if you do

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if game.tick % 180 ~= 0 then return end
So you don't have to maintain your indent through the whole function
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