Now when an event comes in, I need to look up in general (not always), if that entity is already maintained or not.
About like so:
Code: Select all
function handle_my_event(event)
index = find_index(event.entity)
function find_index(event_entity)
for i, listed_entity in pairs(globals.mylist[])
if listed_entity.valid and listed_entity == event_entity then
return i -- the found index of that entry
What I really want is something like
Code: Select all
function handle_my_event(event)
local listed_entity = globals.mylist[][hash]
if listed_entity.valid then
Code: Select all
function handle_my_event(event)
local hash = tostring(event.entity) -- generates something like "table: 0xAE7840048"
local listed_entity = globals.mylist[][hash]
The question: Is such an entity to be guaranteed on the same memory address over the instance of a running game? And if the address changes, is that already handled by events?
I mean: Logically it is not, when a game is saved and loaded, but during a game a game-object should not change it's adress uselessly? So might be possible, or?
PS: The reason why I ask this is also, because when I manage several lists in my mod, that holds the same entity (one general list with all the entities, some optimized lists for different purposes), I need some kind of "Primary Key" for the entities, so that delete-operations can be really quick. Perhaps there is also a different/simpler approach?