(Yes, not a usual request. This request is for the data phase, not control phase.)
See this for details about how I know that and why I need that: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=33732
TL;DR Based on "offshore-pump", I know recipe names can be generated based on the sequence: get the localised string of {"recipe-name.<recipe name>"}, if such key is not found -> {"item-name.<product's item name"}, if not found -> {"entity-name.<product place_result's entity-name>"}, if not found -> "unknown key: entity-name...."
I am making a mod which will do the same thing for determining recipe name. Now everything is ready, except I am stuck at "if such key is not found" so that some recipes have wrong names.
(I am doing it in reverse way, i.e. if no recipe.localised_name -> if product has place_result or placed_as_equipment_result, then use entity-name or equipment-name, otherwise, item-name or fluid-name. As the result, recipe.name is always ignored.)
Such API will help me to fix this problem. So, please?