inserters cannot keep up with assembler

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inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by AntiElitz »

Problem: The inserters do not start inserting new stuff until the input-buffer is below 4. So the furnace has some downtime, because it misses ore when at very high crafting speeds.
Video to show problem:

related post: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=32654#p207964 (Modify input buffer of assembling machine)
Klonan wrote: The input buffer isn't set by modifying the assembling machine prototype,
But it is set on the specific recipe prototype, with the flag 'overload_multiplier'

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "gun-turret",
    enabled = false,
    energy_required = 10,
    ingredients =
      {"iron-gear-wheel", 10},
      {"copper-plate", 10},
      {"iron-plate", 20}
    result = "gun-turret",
    overload_multiplier = 20
So after Klonens tip I tried:

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "iron-plate",
    category = "smelting",
    energy_required = 3.5,
    ingredients = {{"iron-ore", 1}},
    result = "iron-plate",
	overload_multiplier = 20

Code: Select all

for key, recipe in pairs(data.raw["recipe"]) do
	recipe.overload_multiplier = 2000

Code: Select all

data.raw["recipe"]["iron-plate"].overload_multiplier = 20
none of these work ... any solution?
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by Klonan »

Have you reset the recipes?

Code: Select all

/c game.player.force.reset_recipes()
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by AntiElitz »

I really try, but i cannot get it work :( ...

i also tried
/c game.forces["player"].reset_recipes()

but that doesn't change anything as well

the crafting gui of the player seems updated correctly. It says "base->UPS-up" on mouseover. It just doesn't help. anything else i do wrong? Could you maybe show me an example? :)
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by anarchyinc »

I just did a bit of testing and also can not get the overload to function as intended.

Code: Select all

--Request multiplier
for _, r in pairs(data.raw["recipe"]) do
    r.requester_paste_multiplier = 20
--Overload Multiplier
for _, r in pairs(data.raw["recipe"]) do
    r.overload_multiplier = 20
My code to change the request amount has worked since v12. But even on the data-final-fixes level, the code to change the overload makes zero difference in game. The fill level still seems dependent on the connected inserter capacity (3 stack inserters filled machine to 30 before and after change) but would not refill again until the buffer was below what was needed for 1 complete recipe.
Further testing is needed. Unless someone is able to get this to work as intended to prove me wrong, I'm going to assume that this is a bug. I'll run a few more tests and report my findings here.
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by Rseding91 »

I looked into it and the overload mechanics wheren't applied for furnaces. Fixed for 0.14.9.
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by anarchyinc »

I am now completely certain that this is either a bug or overload_multiplier effects something other than recipe buffer. For my tests, I ran completely vanilla (v14.5) with zero mods activated on a new game. Only thing I changed was iron-ore stack size to 500 in the demo-items.lua. And yes, I reset the recipes before each test.

Scenario: 1 electric furnace surrounded by stack inserters/speed beacons.
Test 1: Identify baseline (no changes other than ore stack size) = 145 ore inserted but will not refill until ore is at 1 or below.
Test 2: Add overload_multiplier to demo-furnace-recipe.lua = 145 ore inserted but will not refill until ore is at 1 or below.
This was all base game code with no outside mod interference. If I understand correctly, the overload_multiplier's function is to maintain a certain input buffer inside the machine. If that is not the case, I have no idea what this flag is even good for.
Testing save
Game save
(857.65 KiB) Downloaded 134 times
Rseding91 wrote:I looked into it and the overload mechanics wheren't applied for furnaces. Fixed for 0.14.9.
EDIT: Well, looks like I don't have to file a bug report afterall.
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Re: inserters cannot keep up with assembler

Post by AntiElitz »

Rseding91 wrote:I looked into it and the overload mechanics wheren't applied for furnaces. Fixed for 0.14.9.
Perfect! Thank you Rseding91
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