- Current
- x4 = default
- x1 = select-able in options
- whole stack = If each is selected manually and x1 option is off
- modded value = I use x20 someone else might use x5 or x50, whoever loads last wins
Proposed - whole stacks by shift paste = available in options (wasteful "I don't care, just get it done and never stop" mode)
- Default and x1 = just as they are now but only effects player's request slots (rewording would be needed)
- player configurable multiplier bar = off would be default or modded value
Code: Select all
for _, r in pairs(data.raw["recipe"]) do
r.requester_paste_multiplier = 20
The concept:
Lets say you start a new game, unlock logistic bots and build a hundred or so. You want the requests to be low enough that your new bots aren't over worked. Fast forward to 5 thousand bots with maxed inserter stack bonuses, and maxed speed assembly machines covered in beacons. You are going to need more though put than belts are going to support and a high enough amount of items to keep the assembly machines running before the bots restock. The ability to change the default multiplier in game would make scaling up much more streamlined.