Does anyone know what does the "scalable" property in style prototype actually do?
During the last update of my Color Picker mod, I added the Hex field under the RGB fields. The UI alignment nearly drove me nuts. It spent me most of the time to fix the alignment so I can capture a nice screenshot for publish.
But, less than a minute after I clicked the submit button, I realized the alignment is complete wrong if I resize the Factorio's window (I play in windowed mode). It becomes this when Factorio is in fullscreen:
<<Insert multiple GIFs from Factorio development explained in gifs>>Then I spent hours trying to fix this problem. The solution I came up with is to spam "scalable = false" in the style prototypes. Now, the alignment looks really good. It doesn't change no matter how I resize Factorio's window.
Therefore, I wonder why "scalable = false" is not the default value. Do I lose something if I set it to false?I know it has nothing to do with Options - UI Scale. But is my solution safe?
Edit: I decided to release the fixed version first. So, the alignment problem was in Color Picker v0.2.0, and it is fixed in v0.2.1.