Queue, Train station and BARRELS! Let's do it!

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Queue, Train station and BARRELS! Let's do it!

Post by DriVAnce »

Okay, I have set up a train station....

Ignore Green Wire, That just tells a train is there and to power inserters and radar

Upper Red Wire is what's the deal...

Queue Slot 1 is called: 1
Queue Slot 2 is called :2
Queue Slot 3 (In Roundabout, MUST leave when its red) is called Y

So what I have set up

Wait untill
Circuit: Signal 1 = 1
Circuit: SIgnal 2 = 1
Circuit Signal Y = 1
So the train will leave if the queue is full....

As you can see on the screenshot I have wired the entire barrel belt so I know where the empty barrels are (or full on outposts)

But the question is....

Am I doing the setup right:

Wait untill
Circuit: Signal 1 = 1
Circuit: SIgnal 2 = 1
Circuit Signal Y = 1
Cargo: Crude Oil = 0 (No Crude Oil Barrels in Wagons)
Circuit: Empty Barrel < 0 (So it doesn't leave without getting those precious empty barrels)
10 Seconds of Inactivity (So It will leave if 10 seconds have gone by if nothing is happening...)
OR 60 Seconds passed (One minute is a bit long for a oil unload no?

Is this setup correct?
Everything is wired up on the Red..

I had problems iwth train queue's before, but I started to do Letters/Numbers on the Signal Red instead of Red and it solved most of my problems.... I had to basically increase queue size for unload stations since the trains weren't able to unload their cargo due to me not using anything.... (Doing Less than 100kW Idle Power Goal!, Currently at 40kW..... but gonna started to optimizing it... Probably will get lower 10kW when I am done with the oil decider instead of inserter I wil ltry and figure out how to do with switches... if possible will be a pain thou.... anyway let's get back to topic

If this is correct, You reckon it will leave on the conditions
no FULL barrels in Cargo
no EMPTY barrels in network
10 Seconds of Inactivity
60 Seconds of time passing
Queue is full?

Or is it supposed to Empty Barrel > 0 instead of Empty Barrel < 0
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Re: Queue, Train station and BARRELS! Let's do it!

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

Unless you're modifying the figures, you'll want [Empty barrel] = 0

If you say less than zero it will never be fulfilled because you can't have negative barrels except briefly in a logistic network (when a bot reports it's picking up more than is in the chest).

If you say more than zero it will be the opposite, it will only leave if there ARE barrels waiting to be loaded.

Note train conditions have changed, assuming you are on the latest version just confirming you want the following:

* Train will leave if circuit signals [1], [2] and [Y] all equal 1
* Train will leave if there is no crude oil in cargo, no empty barrels on the belt and cargo hasn't changed in 10 seconds.
* Train will leave 60 seconds after arrival

Each of these conditions is independent of the others, for example it will leave after 60 seconds regardless of the other conditions.

For the signals [1], [2] and [Y] I assume you have something like an arithmetic combinator on each doing [Red] * 1 output [Y]? As long as you only have one signal wired to each combinator this is fine.

My initial recommendation is you need to add something to the signals block of wait conditions. If your train arrives at the station, and another train fills its spot in the queue, it will immediately leave again without unloading your oil. Might want to put in an inactivity timer there as well.
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Re: Queue, Train station and BARRELS! Let's do it!

Post by Bushdoctor »

Hello Drivance,

Your post starts explaining the setup that you created, but you never told us (in non-technical words) what you're trying to achieve..
As many players, I haven't gotten the hang of the deciders yet, so your setup could just as well be an Elven recipe for special brownies from my point of view. :)

My guess is that your setup handles the loading and unloading of your oil trains and I have found quite a simple method for that.
I do it by 'locking' the allowed contents of the cargo wagon. When you click an item in your cargo wagon with the Middle(!) mouse button (which usually is your scroll wheel),
it locks that cargo space to that item. The square becomes gray and no other item is allowed in that square.
Alternatively, you can 'middle-click' an empty square, which allows you to pick any item from a list.

My cargo wagon is setup to allow half of its contents to be empty barrels, and the other half full barrels.
This allows me to create a setup where barrels, empty or full, are pushed into the train until there's no more squares left for that item.
I also have 2 squares reserved in my wagons for repair packs. Both empty barrels and repair packs get taken out at the oil mines whenever there's less than X amount in a chest.

Because oil wells run dry quite fast, I never have an overflow. Any oil that's not picked up gets stored in barrels waiting to be picked up next time, plus there's a storage tank for when the wells are fresh.
I usually manage all my oil transports with just one train, with just one wagon.
(And locomotives on both sides, so the train can go both ways, which saves me a lot of hassle with building loops and such).

My oil train stops for 30 secs at each oil mine which is more than enough to grab all full barrels and drop a fresh batch of empty ones.
Back at my home base, the train gets an order to wait for 60 secs AND item count for full barrels has to be zero.
Also, I put speed modules in my empty wells and even though the numbers don't show it, they will produce more than 0.1 units.
And that's about it. Quite simple..

Maybe that's something to play around with some time :)
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Re: Queue, Train station and BARRELS! Let's do it!

Post by mergele »

As Bushdoctor says you never told us what you want to do, so we can't judge if what you are doing is correct or not.
You did write
"If this is correct, You reckon it will leave on the conditions
no FULL barrels in Cargo
no EMPTY barrels in network
10 Seconds of Inactivity
60 Seconds of time passing
Queue is full?"
Does that mean the train shall only leave if all of these conditions are true? Or already if one of those is true?

Your current setup leaves the station if any of the following 3 is true
- Queue full (S1=S2=SY=1)
- There are no crude oil barrels in the wagons, no empty barrels on the belt and there has been no activity for at least 10 seconds
- it has been at this station for at least 60 seconds
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