[MOD WIP 0.9.2] Mocombat

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[MOD WIP 0.9.2] Mocombat

Post by ludsoe »

After playing factorio for a bit, and disliking being forced to use either a shotgun or a rocket launcher to kill biters. I started working on a mod designed to add more interesting weapons to the game. And after I added some new weapons I decided i needed new enemies to shoot.
Some of the items have custom artwork, and sounds. Ill be implementing more artwork to replace the icons for the items with placeholder art.
While I feel the guns are some what balanced, (And my friends think so also) Im up what you guys suggest about their balances.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/99m7d ... combat.zip
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Re: [MOD WIP 0.9.2] Mocombat

Post by ludsoe »

Gonna bump this now since nobody posted, and I updated the mod.

Update news wise, I added some more artwork for the mod. A new ranged biter.(Spitter)
And the prize jewel of the update, Ive added Tesla defense towers. With Electric arc prettiness.
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Re: [MOD WIP 0.9.2] Mocombat

Post by slpwnd »

If your mod is working feel free to move it to the main section I think it will get more attention there.
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