aubergine18 wrote:This is looking spectacular! Can't wait to see this evolve!
I've not used any of the Bobs mods yet, so not sure what they do... What impact does installing Bob´s intermediates have on the game?
Thank you!
Well, Bob´s mods are the behemoth of the factorio mods, a huge package of addons that will make the vanilla game way more hard and complex. My mod deal with chemical and industrial processes with coal and to change my products i will need some common ingredients that are the same as bob´s used in his own. So, to avoid recreate the wheel, i can just make the wheel more round. Instead of create oxygen, hydrogen, zinc, lead recipes etc...i can use the already made by Bob´s turning my mod compatible with him. This pack alone wont change much, but will add a lot of things.
Since some mods here also uses the same recipes and names (such as hydrogen or salt, for example), it will make my mod more easy to play with instead of have two different "oxygens" in the same game. Sorry for my english hehhe. You can take a look here on his thread.
A practical example: To make the "Active coal" ingredient as i showed, to be used in the "Carbon Filter". The user will need to put coke, nitrogen and zinc chloride into my "high-pressure furnace". But zinc chloride is made in a vanilla chemical plant with hydrogen chloride and zinc metal. So, Nitrogen, Zinc and Hydrogen chloride is from Bob´s mod. Coke and Zinc Chloride is from my own.
It´s on my to-do list. When i complete the main base of the mod, i will make it compatible with angel mods, specially the petrochem.aklesey1 wrote:Its nice to see intersting additin which can use ideas from petrochem, i swear this mod can be good extrension for bob mods and angel mods
Im here to haunt you hahaa.kyranzor wrote:Neat, more horror to add alongside angel's mods
Also, Asphalt is going good