This version only outputs station #1, so avoids the enumeration in the logic when powered and not yet in smart trains schedule.
However, it will request stuff to station #1 if you connect it to the bus before you add it to smart trains schedule.
Would be better to totally disable it somehow. I thought about nullifying the request ability, but it all requires multiple combinators.
Though to be honest Id rather have more combinators and less risk for errors, so might go that route unless you have a really good idea for how to do it with only one?

Code: Select all
Wrong blueprint, fixing and uploading...
Edit 2, my Foreman mod is broken, or I dont know how it works... (even though I have used it lots before, if only blueprint string mod was updated...)
Edit 3
Ill just describe it instead, combinator checks for zero stn output, if zero, output stn #1 on green wire. Will not cause loop since its connected to stn box via red wire and will thus not see its own signal.