how can i open chests in the map editor and place items in it?
didnt play some time... i know i did it before...
open chest in editor
Re: open chest in editor
place the chest, then press 'q' to clear your cursor of the entity (I'm going to assume that it's the 'Clear Cursor' assignment in Options->Controls->Game), then use the "controls.editor-tool-secondary-action" key (mine is the right mouse button, but if I remember correctly the left and right mouse buttons were switched for fresh installs...so you can look in the Options->Controls->Editor menu to find out for sure).
Re: open chest in editor
Hm...tommy1735 wrote:hi
how can i open chests in the map editor and place items in it?
didnt play some time... i know i did it before...
Very hard question, you know.
Let me think...
May be right click, isnt it?
Daniel V. Lenskiy