Dedicated Server - High ping if player connects

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Dedicated Server - High ping if player connects

Post by Pacifier »

Hi there,

i just rent a dedicated server to play with my friends as hosting it myself resulted in loadingtimes like 20mins (sharing the map).
If i connect to ther server everything is fine. If a friend of mine is alone on the server, it's fine as well.
But if we're online the same time it starts laging like hell (around 500ms).

Serversupport said that "if someone has a bad ping, everyone is screwed, because it's a peer-to-peer server". Didn't help me much tbh.
Now i was searching the web for a solution. I read something about to set the latency of the server to a value around the one with the highest ping to the server (my friend has an avg. ping of around 130).
I just can't find out how to do this. I found something like "--latency-ms 'time in ms'" but when i put this into console via webinterface, it just pops up ingame as a chat message.

Can anyone help me?
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Re: Dedicated Server - High ping if player connects

Post by Chocolatetthunder »

What version are you playing? If you opt into the experimental branch of 0.14.2 It is VERY much more stable.
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Re: Dedicated Server - High ping if player connects

Post by eventualmango »

Agreed, 14.3 is night and day compared to the latest stable branch (13.20) as far as multiplayer stability goes...
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