Publick Discord server for Factorio players?

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Publick Discord server for Factorio players?

Post by Lyman »

I was wondering as there seems to be Mirc, Skype, Steam and TeamSpeak popular around Factorio game, but is there any publick Discord server/place for Factorio players?
(With couple friends we have moved from mumble/skype to Discord to chat and talk as it seems to be working well and audio quality/options works well.)
I have been really positive with the program as you can have multiple chat/talk channels at one server and no one don't need to host anything, just moderate.

If have any info/thoughts to share about the program, no need to hesitate to post it here.
Last edited by Lyman on Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Publick Discord server for Factorio players?

Post by Kayanor »

I've been wondering about this, too... let's see...

Nope, there is no public discord server, all servers I found are servers for multiplayer games.
I'll create a server! :D

EDIT: Done! Server isn't set up at all (hosted in London) but it got a invitation link! :D
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Re: Publick Discord server for Factorio players?

Post by classicpatrick »

Discord server has been online and active at Discord server
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impetus maximus
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Re: Publick Discord server for Factorio players?

Post by impetus maximus »

when you create a server does it use discords hardware or is it on your local machine?
[edit] it goes through discords servers :?
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