I have built a greenhouse. Next to it is an assembling machine which converts wood to saplings. When I supply saplings and water to the greenhouse, it generates weird "grow trees" items which fill up the output and causes the greenhouse to halt production. When I remove the items from the greenhouse using the inserter, they apparently still are "grow trees", but when I put them in my inventory, they transform into saplings (possibly some of them disappearing).
What am I doing wrong?
Installed mods:
(basically, all Bob's mods + "Bob's Tweaks mod" by Athmagor)
Factorio main version: 0.13.17
Game save: https://app.box.com/s/xgwx1ap11q54cihgf4h6ydg4muyyslfj
Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
Moderator: bobingabout
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Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
I suggest using the setup Bob provided in the greenhouse thread:
It has worked for me, though I do add 4 circuit connections to it attached to the 4 inserters coming off the wood output chest and attach them to the sappling chest. On the inserters that go to the belt I set the enable to be when saplings > 49 and on the inserters that attach to the assembler I set the condition to saplings < 50. This way there are always 50 saplings in the chest and all other wood is output onto the belts.
This works with or without fertilizer.
It has worked for me, though I do add 4 circuit connections to it attached to the 4 inserters coming off the wood output chest and attach them to the sappling chest. On the inserters that go to the belt I set the enable to be when saplings > 49 and on the inserters that attach to the assembler I set the condition to saplings < 50. This way there are always 50 saplings in the chest and all other wood is output onto the belts.
This works with or without fertilizer.
- bobingabout
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Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
I had to check this out myself.
Basically.... that's the name of the recipe. It seems factorio has changed something so that when you point to the output, any item in the output, it displays the recipe name (If it is different to the item name(s)).
Anyway, you run the recipe, you get wood, and saplings, this is normal. when one of the outputs fills up, the production stops, this again is normal factory behaviour.
You basically need to remove the wood and saplings grown in the greenhouse with inserters, then put the removed saplings back in, and top up if needed. (It almost certainly will be needed).
EDIT: The picture above is actually from 0.12, and although the setup is still valid, the green inserters are "Smart" inserters, so you'll need to use the purple "Filter" inserters to do that job, and the purple inserters are my express inserters, which are now Cyan coloured... Actually, you can probably use any inserter for any of them, because they're just using the network conditions, not any filtering, and any inserter in 0.13 can do that role now.
Basically.... that's the name of the recipe. It seems factorio has changed something so that when you point to the output, any item in the output, it displays the recipe name (If it is different to the item name(s)).
Anyway, you run the recipe, you get wood, and saplings, this is normal. when one of the outputs fills up, the production stops, this again is normal factory behaviour.
You basically need to remove the wood and saplings grown in the greenhouse with inserters, then put the removed saplings back in, and top up if needed. (It almost certainly will be needed).
EDIT: The picture above is actually from 0.12, and although the setup is still valid, the green inserters are "Smart" inserters, so you'll need to use the purple "Filter" inserters to do that job, and the purple inserters are my express inserters, which are now Cyan coloured... Actually, you can probably use any inserter for any of them, because they're just using the network conditions, not any filtering, and any inserter in 0.13 can do that role now.
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Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
I *think* I now know what the deal is about. The greenhouse has the same item (saplings) as both the input and the output; this seems to confuse the game a bit. I need to remove the saplings and re-add them - the greenhouse can't re-use the product. But the game refused to re-add the saplings, because the output was still filled (even though the greenhouse had no saplings on the input). This, in turn, confused me and made me believe that the items on output weren't "saplings".
I'll probably need to remove the saplings into a container, and re-add them using another pair of inserters (or using an advanced inserter once I invent this technology).
I'll probably need to remove the saplings into a container, and re-add them using another pair of inserters (or using an advanced inserter once I invent this technology).
- bobingabout
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Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
If you look at the example screenshot above, a smart inserter (filter in 0.13) removes saplings into a box, which are fed into another box, then put back into the machine. While this is happening, there's also a smart inserter taking out of the sapling factory, connected with a wire to the second chest, with the condition to only pull saplings out of the factory if there is < 50 in the box.
A filter inserter also pulls the wood out on the other side.
A filter inserter also pulls the wood out on the other side.
Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
The early game (pre filter inserter/circuit network) greenhouse setup I use looks like this:
The greenhouses on the right receive saplings directly from the assemblers, the greenhouses on the left are responsible for eating the saplings produced by the greenhouses on the right (and left). This setup requires no filter inserters, as long as it doesn't back up it will produce a completely pure wood stream. To prevent backing up, early on buffer chests are used, later on a circuit condition is added to cut off the flow of saplings if there is enough wood in the buffer chests.
The greenhouses on the right receive saplings directly from the assemblers, the greenhouses on the left are responsible for eating the saplings produced by the greenhouses on the right (and left). This setup requires no filter inserters, as long as it doesn't back up it will produce a completely pure wood stream. To prevent backing up, early on buffer chests are used, later on a circuit condition is added to cut off the flow of saplings if there is enough wood in the buffer chests.
Last edited by BlakeMW on Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Greenhouse generates "grow trees" items, fills output, halts
Here is my setup using fertilizer and filter inserters. If there is less then 200 seedlings in the chest make moar seedlings!
p.s. I am also a hoarder....