[0.13.15] Making items without required supplies

Things that has been reported already before.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:41 pm

[0.13.15] Making items without required supplies

Post by timothy_johnson »

I noticed this issue last night. I was making level 3 assembling machines and I had enough red circuits to make 12 speed modules. However, I was able to make four assembling machines, which would require making 20 more red circuits, despite not having any plastic in my inventory. When I queued up the fourth machine, it put red circuits before the machine and modules like I had supplies to make them. I didn't think to make a save and post it here though.

But today the same thing happened. I was making robot frames and I had 20 electric engines, so I shift+clicked to make 20 robot frames. The robot frames in the crafting menu grayed out like it's supposed to, and then I decided to make logistics robots. I noticed that the icon said I could make 22 robots, even though I only had 18 frames queued and two in my inventory. So after messing around with it, I noticed that as each frame finished building, I had the option of building one more robot than I could previously. For example, after building 5 frames, I had the option of building 25 robots instead of 20. But after queuing up 5 robots, each new robot I added would add another frame to the queue, even though I still had 15 being crafted. So somehow, I've ascended to godhood and can bend the physical Factorio world to my will.

The attached save is in the middle of crafting the robot frames. I was playing alone on my headless server when I discovered this bug, and I loaded the save into single player and replicated the bug.

EDIT: Once the queue of 20 robot frames is finished, it goes back to normal, and I can't magically make frames anymore.
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