Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by jmurrayufo »

Tried the new multiplayer matching system today.

To put it simply, it just worked. Hosted game, told someone the name, they were in and playing with me in seconds.

I know not the number of hours that went into the design, implementation, testing and fixing of this feature, but it was WORTH it to me as a user. This is game design done right.

Thanks to the entire dev team, keep this up!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by kovarex »

jmurrayufo wrote:Tried the new multiplayer matching system today.

To put it simply, it just worked. Hosted game, told someone the name, they were in and playing with me in seconds.

I know not the number of hours that went into the design, implementation, testing and fixing of this feature, but it was WORTH it to me as a user. This is game design done right.

Thanks to the entire dev team, keep this up!
This is a historical moment! You are the first one I know about saying it works.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by autogyro »

Mmm... I got [0.13.4] multiplayer to work today, too. Just exported the port through my router, started it up, and they were able to load the map and jump right in. It was *wonderful*, especially since I'm in the US and they're in Finland. Thank you, devs, for making it so *easy*!!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Makk »

Your game shows a LOT of promise, I hope you guys keep up the good work. :)
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by IcEBnd »

Thank you for making such a great game for my brain. It makes it super easy for me to reach flow ( ) =)
Love it!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Kuazar »

Thanks for this great game, 0.13 is awsome ;)
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Thank you for the story!

Post by Šedý »

I just finished my turn in "The von Neumann Thread" (viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6147). It was the most hilarious game I played in years. Not just in Factorio, but in any game.

In all my twenty years of singleplayer gaming, I never wrote a story about my in-game experience. But Factorio has so balanced mix of sandboxing and goal-orientation, that it went naturally. I could steer the story if needed, but the game also surprised me all the time.

I didn't expect Factorio to be a storytelling game. I think you didn't either. But it is!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Otterbear »

Thanks for all the hard work guys. This thing is really coming together! Stay focused, stay Grrrrrrrr-eat!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by tamanous »

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My friends shake their heads when I start to explain what drives me.
My girlfriend dislikes your awesome work. Ok, she dislikes going to bed first, just because I want to just do this small ...

Yeah, I like your work :D
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by solntcev »

Thank you for this beautifull game, it moddability give a lot of replay value.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Machine Medic »

This game singlehandedly replaced modded Minecraft for me.

Much more capable than the latter.

Never stop innovating.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by smokeydabear »

This is literally the gold mine of survival/resource management games. With some mods included (which I'm glad you guys make easy to incorporate) this has itched every creative logical and even somewhat artistic scratch I've had. I've played many games in my time, but I must say this one has felt the most fulfilling and for such a long time too. I know it will probably forever stay a staple in my go to games. Especially with all of the constant updates you guys put out! The gripes I have with this game are few and far between, most of which consist of multiplayer stability and power choices. But reading one of your Friday Facts informed me that both are under construction as we speak. Multiplayer has already been addressed today, and nuclear power is planned very soon. I swear I'm as giddy as a child going to a new amusement park every time I see updates. Sure this one may not be the big one, but it lets me know that you guys are up and running. Never stop doing what you do, I don't think any resource management style survival game will ever be able to top this foundation!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Ubertwink »

kovarex wrote:This is a historical moment! You are the first one I know about saying it works.
It actually works really well for people with nice connection. The ones with problems have internet from 2000s.

On-topic: This is the most in-depth sandbox game I've ever played. Thank you for creating and supporting it, I hope you make enough revenue to support your passion, which is, I beleive, just as big as ours :)
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Acarin »

This was a "throwaway purchase" for me when it first came out on Steam. I thought that the graphics looked a bit retro (although, as a child of the 60s, "Retro" is not always bad :) ), but the concept of the game appealed to me, and it looked to be well worth the price tag.

Oh. My. God.

Over 400 hours in, I am still learning daily, am only now starting to approach the ability (both personal and resource-wise) to build a "Megabase", and still have little idea how to really utilise the circuit network options. Although the Forums and Reddit are filled with wonderful people willing to share their own creations. And every time I get the hang of the game (currently on World #8), the Devs upgrade or completely overhaul something which changes the dynamic.

This is a wonderful, challenging, fun game, and deserves to have a place in the All-Time Greats. Kudos to you guys for doing suc a wonderful job both in coming up with the original concept, coding it, and yet still finding time to release road maps for future development and listen to community concerns.

Factorio is probably my favourite game of all time. You guys rock!!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Teralink »

Thanks for this great game, I love it! <3
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by aubergine18 »

Just seen a youtube vid of 159 player MP game. And it was running smooth. For a game this complex to handle that many players on a single server is epic. Big kudos to the devs coding skills.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by LoggerM »

Thank you so much for this creat game.
Spend 200hrs and I see no end for me :-)

This game is realy worth to buy!
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Psawhn »

Sometimes when you get that right blend of creativity and puzzle-solving you get something addictive.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by Mendel »

I just got interested about circuit network stuff. After some figuring out and trial and error I had some blinking lights and stuff working. Head is full of ideas now. All kinds of things that can be done that I havent thought of on my previous playthroughs...

and with the 0.14 I can show the stuff to people joining my server too.

There´s like all sorts of new (to me) puzzles to solve and all kinds of sense of accomplishment when I finally manage to do something not too pathetic with the circuit stuff.

The game has unbelievable depth even without mods... and I just stumbled on bob´s mods which bring even more things to solve.

Yeah. I see myself playing this for years to come. Only Rimworld can rival this in addictiveness.
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Re: Thank you (Make the dev-team happy today!)

Post by admiralnlson »

Such a great experience when a game makes you think in new ways, and you get the impression you not only learned to play the game, but may have gotten a bit smarter in the process.

Factorio's true strength though, I think, is that no aspect of the game is lacking (which is quite rare, even for AAA games).
Everything is pretty much on point here: game design sure, but also the art (graphics, sound/music), code (i.e. great performance, absence of any bugs, etc.), etc.
And the overall result is harmonious.

Everyone involved in the implementation of the project should be proud.

Thank you Wube software.
Looking forward to your next product.
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