inserter stack size problems

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inserter stack size problems

Post by Sneaker2 »

what I want, for example, is to get exactly 50 copper-plates into one chest. yet the stack-bonus for inserters makes it 51 each and every time. It is logical, because 51/3 = 17 . those 17 stacks get taken no matter what, so how do I stop that and make it that the inserter only picks 2 copper-plates at the end?
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Re: inserter stack size problems

Post by British_Petroleum »

I never research the stack size bonuses for this reason. If the inserter only picks up one item at a time then i have complete control. I liked it better when the stack size bonus was only moving items between containers, that way you had a way of picking up just one or the stack size. There are solutions to your exact problem, others will probably post them here.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: inserter stack size problems

Post by Sneaker2 »

well, yea, a good point, but I dont really want to miss that either. And accident while researching and you can redo the entire game. Not fun.

It is a nice feature, but I would like to think, that the devs could enable both, "more items" and "control" at the same time, or at least choose between those 2 in game or at the inserter itself. I guess the devs had to solve a quantity problem.
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Re: inserter stack size problems

Post by Hammerchief »

There are topic about this problem: 0.13 Count Perfect Chest Item Count, Inserting arbitrary hand sizes by using "Set Filters", and some more complex solutions for tasks like loading supply wagon with many different items here: 0.13 Smart supply-train loader + other solutions.
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