Action of Left mouse click on Enemy unit

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Action of Left mouse click on Enemy unit

Post by chovynz »

Experimental build of Factorio, via Steam. I don't know what version. Is there a command ingame to check?

When clicking on an enemy unit with the left mouse, a message appears,
"Can't open enemy structures"

A number of questions spring to mind.

Are the bug units classified correctly?
Are they coded as a structure deliberately?
Would they be better to be separated out from "structure" into "unit"? Doing so may make them more intuitively modable / playable in the future.
Would it not be better to keep selection on enemy unit, and display info about selected unit, rather than trying to open it like a chest/machine?
Is the correct output/error message being displayed?

Most "left mouse clicks" in other games, select the unit.
What is the mouse click behaviour supposed to be / heading towards in Factorio?

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Re: Action of Left mouse click on Enemy unit

Post by Oxyd »

I'm confused. What's the bug? What behaviour are you expecting?

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Re: Action of Left mouse click on Enemy unit

Post by Klonan »

This seems like a locale/translation issue, so i may look at the message thats printed, but its not a bug

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