The mod portal doesn't officially support email notification on updated mods/discussions (yet), so I decided to create a little workaround.
I have a web server setup to pool information on any subscribed mod. Whenever a mod/discussion changes an email notification will be sent out to any subscribed user.
It's easy to subscribe for email notifications.
1. Navigate to
This form should appear: 2. Fill in the url of the mod (for example: in the first field (Mod Url). The second field should automatically detect the mod name (in this case: SP_Respawn)
3. Fill in your email address. This email will get notifications whenever the mod is updated.
4. Check your inbox, an email containing a confirmation link should soon appear.
5. Click the link and you'll get an email whenever the mod is updated!
I've also created both a Greasemonkey script (for Firefox users) and a Tampermonkey script (for Chrome users). These scripts will add a "Subscribe to mod" button on a mod's page. Clicking the button should automatically open the form mentioned in step 1 and the url for the mod (step 2) should already be filled out. (Sorry IE users, no button for you).
The scripts also makes it possible to open the thumbnails in a bigger view, just a little bonus

You can click these links to auto-install the scripts if you have Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey installed:
Greasemonkey Script: ... pt.user.js
Tampermonkey Script: ... pt.user.js
The button looks like this: