zoom rebinding

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zoom rebinding

Post by kingarthur »

i have an issue with the train preview window. i have rebound the normal game view zoom keys from the scroll wheel to the arrow keys. the train preview window(tpw) is still bound to the defualt settings and i cant find anything in the control options to change it.
i think its ether a bug that it didn't rebind the tpw or a feature request to add the selection in options to be able to rebind the tpw zoom speratly

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Re: zoom rebinding

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

I can confirm the issue

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Re: zoom rebinding

Post by Rseding91 »

Because of how the GUI system works it's not simple to allow changing the bindings for the zoom in the train preview.

The train preview only knows you want to zoom in/out if the mouse is over the GUI since the mouse outside the GUI means you want to scroll the normal game zoom. If the controls are bound to something else that isn't related to the mouse then the GUI has no way to know which one you want to do.
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Re: zoom rebinding

Post by kingarthur »

im pretty sure i follow what your saying. and basically the fact that after i rebound the keys the gui doesn't care where i have the mouse the arrow keys work the main screen and scroll wheels work the preview window isnt suppost to happen. oh well i dont need to scroll the preview window that often. i can live with the issue till i replace my pos mouse

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Re: zoom rebinding

Post by Harkonnen »

Solution could be in treating zoom-in/zoom-out hotkeys as mousewheel events just everywhere (and ignoring mousewheel at all if they are bound to something different). some mouses have cranky wheels which jitter all so often. some mouses have non-jittery wheels, but they still tend to scroll a little when if you bind something to middle mouse button - which is why I believe some people would like to rebind zoom keys (mousewheel keys) to keyboard. as for gui capturing input - whenever mousewheel-replacement hotkey is pressed, it is treated as mousewheel event on whatever mouse cursor currently is.

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