[Pending] OSX scrollwheel behavior

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[Pending] OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by mr_birkenblatt »

There are two issues with scrolling on a Mac that make zooming and blueprint-books annoying to use.

1. Holding shift while scrolling registers as sideway scrolling and is treated differently in-game and in the control setting's menu

This prevents zooming while holding shift and makes the default combination for flipping through the blueprint-book non-functional.

2. Mac apparently doesn't register individual ticks and is dependent on the speed of scrolling

When turning the mouse-wheel slowly nothing happens. When turning faster multiple ticks are registered at once. This makes it nearly impossible to select a blueprint or go to a specific zoom-level (besides fully zoomed in, fully zoomed out, and somewhere inbetween). Not sure how much OSX actually exposes but using wheelDelta might be more consistent than ticks on Mac (again not sure what API you are using and if wheelDelta etc. actually exists in this API).
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Re: OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by massey »

I can confirm the scrolling issue in relation to blueprint books. I can zoom in and out smoothly though.
on OSX 10.11.1
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Re: OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by mr_birkenblatt »

Can you zoom in/out precisely though? I mean for example zooming out exactly one tick.
Also when you scroll the same amount of ticks you are zooming in/out different amounts depending on the speed of the movement, no?
If feel it is very hard to maintain a consistent speed while scrolling that is not too slow (ie. no zoom happening at all) and is not too fast (ie. zooms all the way).
OSX 10.11.5 here
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Re: OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

The keybinding for the blueprint book was changed to ctrl-scroll on mac to bypass this issue,

However can you elaborate on the other scroll issue?
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Re: [Pending] OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by HanziQ »

Scroll wheel speed will be fixed in the next release. The game will also translate left/right mouse wheel scroll events to up/down.
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Re: [Pending] OSX scrollwheel behavior

Post by rgant »

I'm still experiencing issues with trackpad zooming in 0.13.13. Does Factorio consider it to be resolved?
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