multiplayer problem

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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multiplayer problem

Post by Trake »

Me and my friend are trying to play Factorio together, but there's a problem, he can't connect to me. I have hamachi up and no VPN's running (I had a problem before, which was caused by having 3 VPN's on at the same time, don't ask). He can't connect to me, using my hamachi ip. If my friend waits a while, while connecting to me, he get's the error "couldn't establish network communication". However, when I try to connect to him, it connects fine, but laggy. Nothing changed between him connecting to me, and me connecting to him. So what's the problem?
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:04 am

Re: multiplayer problem

Post by Megapants »

Can I recommend you both ditch Hamachi and forward UDP port 34197 on your routers?

You can learn how to do that here: ... rindex.htm

From there, just get your external IP address from somewhere like:

Have one of you start a MP game, while the other "connects to server" using the other's IP address and port. Use this format (ip and port separated by a colon).

Hamachi just complicates things. All you should have to do is forward the port and get your IP address. No routing through external services or VPNs, just a solid direct connection to each other.
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