The end result will be looking like this:

The savegame can be downloaded here.
If you want to play the savegame from me you need to place the .zip file in your factorio save game folder. Under Windows it is most likely located under: C:\Users\"YourUserName"\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves
But lets start at the beginning.
The map:

- - Make sure that all resources are near you and in good supply. (iron, copper, coal, wood and stone)
- Enough space for buildings as you don’t want to clear large amounts of forest for your factory
- Water nearby
- If you are new to the game: Don’t start in a desert as you pollution will spread rapidly and thus you will be attacked more
- Don't be afraid to restart as this will generate a new map each time till you find one that suits you
- If you are new to the game: Start the game with very rich ore deposits as it is making the game slightly easier
- You can download my map as a savegame from here
- - Think big, build small (at least at the start)
- If you pause the game (shift + space) you will see a grid with some thicker lines. Very roughly, you will need one square for your power generation, 1 square for smelting, 2 squares for production
- - Start by crafting 2 iron axes (you have already the necessary resources at the start of the game)
- Chop roughly 60 wood.
- Craft 10 wooden chest (you will need them sooner or later)
- Mine around 10 coal and place your mine there. Place a chest in front of the mine output
- Mine around 20 iron, get coal from chest, place furnace next to the iron deposit; put iron + coal in furnace.
- Mine 40ish stone; craft 1 furnace
- Collect the produced iron plates; collect coal, craft a mine
- Place mine in such a way that the output is directly dropped in the furnace
- Mine / collect resources to produce one additional mine + furnace for your copper setup; place this setup on your copper field
- Get one more iron plate setup (mine + furnace) and one additional coal mine
- - Produce iron plates and copper bars till you have crafted the following (don’t forget to put coal in your mines and furnaces):
- o 1 pump
o ~3 boilers
o 1 steam engine
o ~3+1 inserters (the yellow ones); one for each boiler
o 1 pipe to ground
o A few normal pipes
o ~3 transport belts
o 5-10 small electric poles
- o 1 pump
- - Start by building electric mines; 1-2 for coal for starters and 2 for iron
- Rearrange your iron setup as shown in the following image
- A savegame can be downloaded here
- Adapt a similar setup for your copper bar production
- Extend your power supply by adding a few more boilers and steam engines
- The ideal ratio is 1 water pump, 14 boilers and 9 steam engines (see power row)
Starting research:- - Start by crafting 2 labs and 30 red science packs
- Don’t forget to extend your mining and smelting facilities as you will need quite a bit of stuff later on
- Research Automation(for assembling machines) and Logistics (for splitters and underground belts)
- Craft 4 Assembling machines, a few inserters and a lot of belts
- Your factory should now be similar to the one shown in the following image (I crafted and placed the assembly machines without power only for placement purposes; the placement why will later become clear)
- Craft and place 2 radars to get a feeling for your surroundings.
- Congratulation! You have just automated your science pack 1 production!
- - Turrets
- Electronics (smart inserters)
- Automation 2 (Assembly machine 2)
- Steel processing
- Optics
- - Military
- Armor crafting
- - Craft a few assembly machines (you will need them anyways) and inserters (always useful)
- Place a assembly machine and produce ammunition (output goes into a chest)
- Extend your line of labs
- Build ~10 turrets and place them at strategic locations (like at your power plant, your assembly machines, your smelting and mining areas)
- Also build a second power line (pump, 14 boilers, 9 steam engines)
- - You will need at least one assembly machine 2 (for building inserters)
- Build a circuit production line consisting of 3 cable assemblers and 2 circuit assemblers as shown in circuit start.
- Build your science pack 2 production as shown
- You will notice that you have now a severe lack of iron plates so extend your production to 16 furnaces in total
- A savegame is available here
- Congratulations, you established you science pack 2 production!
- Feel free to build more assembler 2 and fast inserters (the blue ones); you should replace all old assemblers in the future (cables, circuits, gears, belts and inserter assemblers will need fast inserters to fully function)
Now the game is opening up quite a bit and your game will begin do differ from my game more and more. Maybe you are going to be attacked heavily and thus need to invest in a good defense or you want to try out your own factory layout. Personally I would like to encourage you to try out your own layouts because that’s what is making factorio fun! If you still want to have some ideas how to incorporate the science pack 3, efficiency module and bot production
Tech 2 research: (I suggest the following order):- - Oil processing (unlocking the oil tech tree); see next section for setup and details
- Advanced electronics
- Logistics 2
- Sulfur processing
- Plastics
- Fluid handling
- Battery
- Lasers
- Laser turrets
- Inserter item stack size bonus 1
- Advanced material processing
- Advanced material processing 2
- Flammables
- Explosives
- Rocketry
- Modules
- Effectivity module
- Engine
- Electric Engine
- Flight
- Advanced electronics 2
- Robotics
- Construction robotics
- Logistic robotics
- Logistic system
- Advanced oil processing
- Whatever you like!
- - Extend your iron plate production so that you can produce steel bars (around 4 furnaces producing steel; Personally I refill them manually with coal as you will soonish replace those with electric furnaces)
- Build an electric mine on top of stone. Next to it place a chest for rough stone, further down the line a furnace for stone brick production. (Later on you will add an assembler for stone wall production)
- - You will need a handful of Pumpjacks, 4 Refinerys (planning big even though you won’t have enough oil early on), 4 Chemical plants
- A few liquid storage tanks for your light and heavy oil as you will mostly need petroleum gas
- With advanced oil processing researched you will have to add a cracking site where you are cracking heavy into light oil into petroleum gas.
- - The production of science pack 3s is needing four resources (smart inserters, steel, batteries and advanced circuits). The first two ingredients are somewhat easily incorporated into the existing setup, while the production of batteries and advanced circuits is heavily dependent on your petroleum gas supply.
- I will just show you the end result here as you should be able to reproduce this setup easily.
- A savegame is available here
- - For your bot (construction and logistic) production you will need heavy oil and a wide variety of other goods which is making this part of the factory ugly.
- - Start by crafting 2 labs and 30 red science packs
- - Expand you base by building remote mining bases
- Build up a rail network to bring all the mined ores into your base!
- Kill these nasty biters and get their alien artifacts to unlock the tech 4 research
- Start a new game