Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

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Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

Post by Jools »

I've played ~200h in Factorio, its great game. DIdnt fell that crack before like with this game <3.
But after basic things like figuring out how to make a base up to space rocket i need some challange.
I like situations when im under heavy siege and trying to survive, like Zombie Apocalypse mod in Minecraft (constant attacks of horde enemies with destoying walls etc, hard to survive even first night). So, in factorio there are Biters who dosnt like when we build things, but with default settings they seems to dont care about player base (like pollution dosnt reach biters bases).
Speaking specific:
- i'd like to see biters expanding a lot, especially toward player base,
- I'd like to see biters with much more HP and dmg, especially after some time,
- I'd like to see biters attack player base regardles of pollution range (which is quite low),

Most of these things brought Natural Evolution Mod, but after 0.13 its dosnt work anymore. And i cant find any replacment of that.

Any ideas of making biters more exciting and aggressive?
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Re: Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

Post by Ranakastrasz »

EMP Biters helps a bit. Big worms throw massive EMP bolts, which disable turrets. Big Spitters and biters have similar, at least at high evolution, and especially behemoths. Makes defence harder at least.

Not really sure what else might work.
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Modular Armor Revamp - V16
Large Chests - V16
Agent Orange - V16
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Easy Refineries - V16
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Re: Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

Post by orzelek »

Natural Evolution doesn't work in 0.13?
Strange - its available for 0.13 from quite some time and working well (even to well with new migration maybe).
Just grab it from mod portal (all three parts are separate there - just search for it).

There are also other mods - Misanthrope (doesn't work with Natural Evolution I think) and Swarm (compatible with either of those).
Bob's enemies mod will add some new biters and worms.
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Re: Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

Post by Jools »

Im currently playing with belowed mods:
- RSO,
- Bob's mod (all),
- Micanthrope - didnt feel anything hard,
- Swarm - like above,
- EMP Biters - same.

Problem is that biters arent attacking or/and being smashed by turrets due to lack hp/armor. No biters base expanding, no heavy attacks. And the biggest problem is that my evolution factor is dropping (i have 20% evo at 25h time). I literally see that %factor is dropping from time to time, like from 20% to 10%.I dont have pollution decreasing mods, only solars, but my base is huge (due to bob's mod). Something is wrong with evolution factor. Probably because of some mod but dont have idea which.

So, my actuall problems are:
- No Natural Evolution Mod*
- No biter evolution, no biter expand.

*) In 0.13 NE mod works with huge problems, like bitter like to attack each other causing massive biter wars (due to poison cloud which attacks more biters). These biters wars was causing massive fps drop (unplayable). Also NE mod was causing problematic multiplayer desyncs. Mod author releases 6.0.5 version which could help, but i didnt test it yet (any previous version didnt fix that, since 6.0.0).
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Re: Looking for some hardcore mods (with biters)

Post by Ranakastrasz »

Misanthrope, and I think Natural Evolution reduce evolution factor over time at higher levels. This is specifically when they send larger waves and expand. I dropped both of them because its more that they expand sideways and fill up the map with bases, more than actually attack you. They do do that as well however, just not really enough.
My Mods:
Modular Armor Revamp - V16
Large Chests - V16
Agent Orange - V16
Flare - V16
Easy Refineries - V16
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