[0.13.6][Oxyd] Crash joining/leaving multiplayer game

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Burner Inserter
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[0.13.6][Oxyd] Crash joining/leaving multiplayer game

Post by Voltara »

I am running version 0.13.6 of the standalone (downloaded from http://www.factorio.com) game on Linux.

The game crashes reproducibly upon attempting to join or leave a multiplayer game. This crash only happens if I run Factorio as a background process, then closing the terminal window:

Code: Select all

$ bin/x64/factorio &
$ exit
After closing the terminal window, if I try to "Play -> Multiplayer -> Connect to server -> Connect", the game will crash after downloading the map.

If I instead leave the terminal window open (don't type "exit"), I can join/leave the multiplayer game without any issues.

If I am already in the multiplayer game, then subsequently type "exit" in my terminal, attempting to "Quit" the game will cause a crash.

Here is what the tail of the logfile looks like when it crashes upon joining:

Code: Select all

  23.403 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(80157) mapTick(9391) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
  23.403 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(80157) mapTick(9391) peerID(16) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
((peerID(16) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  23.418 Warning Thread.cpp:42: Thread exception: Error when writing to file..
  23.422 Error CrashHandler.cpp:183: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
#0  0x89eddd in Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*) at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/Logger.cpp:382
#1  0x7ce13b in CrashHandler::writeStackTrace() at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:84
#2  0x7ce3b4 in CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int) at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:188
#3  0x7fd630d7f4a0 in ?? at ??:0
#4  0x7fd62f6f1989 in ?? at ??:0
  24.675 Error CrashHandler.cpp:85: Map tick at moment of crash: 9391
  24.675 Error Util.cpp:77: Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
For comparison, here is what it looks like when it does NOT crash:

Code: Select all

  22.327 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(128108) mapTick(9431) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
  22.327 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(128108) mapTick(9431) peerID(18) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
((peerID(18) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  22.427 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(128114) mapTick(9437) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)
  22.427 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(128114) mapTick(9437) received stateChanged peerID(18) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)
  22.461 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:754: mapTick(9440) networkTick(128117) connecting to player(Voltara).
  22.461 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:608: assigning playerIndex(0) to peer(18)
  22.461 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2639: MapTick(9440) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(18) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:57 pm

Re: [0.13.6] Crash joining/leaving multiplayer game

Post by Voltara »

The crash still exists in 0.13.7, but the behavior got worse. Now instead of simply crashing and exiting, the game's CrashHandler now crashes in an endless recursion. The game needs to be killed manually with "kill -9".
0.13.7 crash log
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Re: [0.13.6][Oxyd] Crash joining/leaving multiplayer game

Post by Oxyd »

Fixed in 0.13.9.
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