[0.12.35] [Pending] Campaign state lost

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[0.12.35] [Pending] Campaign state lost

Post by fvzui9f2 »

I'm using 0.12.35(Build 18124, linux64, steam).
This seems to be the newest version available on steam, even though I see threads labeled 0.13 in this forum.

So yesterday I downloaded the demo on Steam, played the campaign which was playable and then bought and downloaded Factorio from Steam and played several hours the campaign New Hope. On Level 4(?) the one about no ressources being available, which meant I had to fight the aliens by hand somehow with the given resources (and failed hard), I stopped playing for a bit and tried my luck with the other campaigns. I didn't save much manually before and the autosaves which I used were overwritten, which is fine.

But now I wanted to try level 4 of New Hope again, only to see that for some reason only level 1 is shown. I still have a manual savegame of level 2 available, even so the game thinks I never played the campaign it seems. It worked before, meaning I exited the game and then resumed a campaign, although I'm not sure whether I just resumed from the savegame or through the campaign menu.

In my opinion even without saves Factorio should remember which campaign levels were already cleared. Although thinking about it now this may be a subjective bug.
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Re: [0.12.35] Campaign state lost

Post by TruePikachu »

It does remember, and saves it in the `player-data.json` file.
0.13 is available on Steam.

How did you quit the game?

Devs: Does `player-data.json` get passed through the Steam Cloud?
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Re: [0.12.35] Campaign state lost

Post by fvzui9f2 »

TruePikachu wrote:It does remember, and saves it in the `player-data.json` file.
My player-data.json ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/.../427520/remote/player-data.json reads:

Code: Select all

    "available-campaign-levels": {
        "demo": {
            "level-01": "hard"
        "tight-spot": {
            "level-01": "hard"
        "transport-belt-madness": {
            "level-01": "hard"
    "console-history": "",
    "latest-multiplayer-connections": "",
    "multiplayer-username": ""
Note how there is no entry for "new-hope" a.k.a. "beta"!

I can't find any savegames in that folder, they are only mentioned in remotecache.vdf. The size of player-data.json in remotecache.vdf matches the one pasted above. Excerpt from remotecache.vdf:

Code: Select all

		"root"		"4"
		"size"		"1026136"
		"localtime"		"1468161041"
		"time"		"1468161040"
		"remotetime"		"1468161040"
		"sha"		"1f7fda48970089c08b98352a0f92508f6ba08326"
		"syncstate"		"1"
		"persiststate"		"0"
		"platformstosync2"		"-1"
		"root"		"0"
		"size"		"349"
		"localtime"		"1468178976"
		"time"		"1468178976"
		"remotetime"		"1468104448"
		"sha"		"69871e5a12774962d50c85c44245e891d7c66db4"
		"syncstate"		"1"
		"persiststate"		"0"
		"platformstosync2"		"-1"
After some searching I found the savegames to be in ~/.factorio/saves. I also found another player-data.json in ~/.factorio/ although the file has the same content as pasted above.

After adding these lines to ~/.factorio/player-data.json, it works

Code: Select all

        "beta": {
            "level-01": "normal",
            "level-02": "normal",
            "level-03": "normal",
            "level-04": "normal"
It seems there are only 4 levels anyway.
Maybe because I played the demo first, which maybe didn't make an entry for "beta", the main game then couldn't find an entry for the "beta"-campaign and then failed to append the newly unlocked levels?
TruePikachu wrote:0.13 is available on Steam.
As stated above I downloaded it yesterday. When pressing on "About game" inside Factorio version 0.12 is shown. I can't figure out how to get 0.13. Maybe it's only available for Windows currently? I read somewhere on steam, that although it is available, it still is not in the stable branch...
TruePikachu wrote:How did you quit the game?
Normally i.e. without killing it, simply first pressing the button "Quit Game", then in the main menu "Exit Game".

I had one other Bug: When I died in Level 2(?), I got a LUA-scripting. Unfortunately I thought I did make a screenshot, but it seems I didn't, but could this somehow be related? After that I died some times more (possibly only in other levels), but without that problem reappearing.

Note I also have another bug with Steam. After some time of inactivity i.e. not playing games, it seems to loose connection. When I try to start a game then, a message appear that it can't connect and my savadata may be out of sync, but I never had problems with that in other games. Also the savegames DID get synchronized, only player-data.json looks weird.
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Re: [0.12.35] Campaign state lost

Post by Loewchen »

fvzui9f2 wrote: I can't figure out how to get 0.13
See the update issue link in my signature.
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Re: [0.12.35] [Pending] Campaign state lost

Post by Klonan »

There have been no further reports, so this was probably some local file issue
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