[0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

Moderator: bobingabout

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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by sporefreak »

Nope that didnt do it either.
Would it matter if i called them as armor, tool, item and recipe? If yeah ill retest when i have the time.
So how would i find all the types of items to use? Such as armor tools item recipe etc etc
Last edited by sporefreak on Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by IhanaMies »


Pretty much looks like andhagg1 blatantly copied some or if not most of your work. Hope he has your permission to do so
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

IhanaMies wrote: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/andhagg1/andrew-library

Pretty much looks like andhagg1 blatantly copied some or if not most of your work. Hope he has your permission to do so
He does not. have permission, no.
The modules, I'm not so bothered about, he's not using my icons, and the code isn't entirely original, it's mostly just copying and pasting from the base game with tweaked values, and a dynamic recipe script. The idea itself isn't original either, I know Dytech did a modules overhaul before I did.
The library though... Yeah, that does quite annoy me, all the code in there was hand written by myself, and someone showed me some extracts of the code, which were basically mine with the function names changed.
I have no problem with other mods using my library... as in, making my mod a dependancy of theirs, I try to cater to the wishs of players, and fellow modders. But it does get to me when people outright steal my hard work like that.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by orzelek »

Tbh I think that one of mods should take a look at Andrew's set of mods.
Since some of stuff there has code that looks like direct copy (especially with bob-* named techs) and he has no permission from you to use this.

He defended himself a bit in the discussion thread for one of mods but I haven't seen him address the icon copies and library mod copy.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Arch666Angel »

orzelek wrote:Tbh I think that one of mods should take a look at Andrew's set of mods.
Since some of stuff there has code that looks like direct copy (especially with bob-* named techs) and he has no permission from you to use this.

He defended himself a bit in the discussion thread for one of mods but I haven't seen him address the icon copies and library mod copy.
He changed the icons at least to new recolored version, after some flames, but even bob did only recolor then from the base game so nah. Worse is that he copies over bobs functions and even is too stupid to rename them (the file names are still the same) or change the code around...
And yeah I agree that a dev should look into it, since this is somewhat a premiere,
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

He's replaced most of the icons, and there's little code from my library in his library mod.
I think the biggest offenders that remain is the bob-prefixed stuff.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by sporefreak »

So after removing "if bobarmor then" everything seemed to work fine.
But that begs the question as to why my mod check failed?
What would be the best way to check if a mods installed? or do i just need to call it in data updates instead.

also, how would i find all the things that can go in the "Item" slot?
data.raw["item"]["itemname"].subgroup = "groupname"

Thanks again for the help, I have learned a lot, and sorry for being such a bug.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by marcelgrilo »

bobingabout wrote:
IhanaMies wrote: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/andhagg1/andrew-library

Pretty much looks like andhagg1 blatantly copied some or if not most of your work. Hope he has your permission to do so
He does not. have permission, no.
The modules, I'm not so bothered about, he's not using my icons, and the code isn't entirely original, it's mostly just copying and pasting from the base game with tweaked values, and a dynamic recipe script. The idea itself isn't original either, I know Dytech did a modules overhaul before I did.
The library though... Yeah, that does quite annoy me, all the code in there was hand written by myself, and someone showed me some extracts of the code, which were basically mine with the function names changed.
I have no problem with other mods using my library... as in, making my mod a dependancy of theirs, I try to cater to the wishs of players, and fellow modders. But it does get to me when people outright steal my hard work like that.
That is sad man. This is why it is so important to generate obfuscated binaries, even for mods, the code as it is now is so fragile and palusable of copying....
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Sabrewulf »

Before download all this mods, can you say about this pack? I don't know what expect, if its overpower, or easy, or very hard...
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by sporefreak »

Sabrewulf wrote:Before download all this mods, can you say about this pack? I don't know what expect, if its overpower, or easy, or very hard...
If you use all of bobs mods it will make the game a bit more complicated. adding new tiers of metals and items that require special and complicated manufacturing. but once you get all that down the higher tier items can be considered very OP compared to any vanilla item.
I Do recommend using bobs mods :)
I Personally couldnt stand bobs electronics mostly because of the bad graphics and annoying overhaul of the simplest items (Mainly the circuit boards) But it is not required for any other mod.
I would say from a vanilla standpoint, its a very hard Slightly OP
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

sporefreak wrote:So after removing "if bobarmor then" everything seemed to work fine.
But that begs the question as to why my mod check failed?
What would be the best way to check if a mods installed? or do i just need to call it in data updates instead.

also, how would i find all the things that can go in the "Item" slot?
data.raw["item"]["itemname"].subgroup = "groupname"

Thanks again for the help, I have learned a lot, and sorry for being such a bug.
Best way to check if a mod is installed during data phase AFAIK is to check to see if a known key exists, EG, bobmods.warfare is a global value set during the data phase of my warfare mod.

Code: Select all

if bobmods and bobmods.warfare then
that would be a reasonable line to check if my warfare mod is installed.

As for what can go in that item sections... well, I basically had to look it up when doing my library. assuming I didn't miss anything, here is the "Does this item exist" function. Well, technically, it's a "what type of item is this" function, but returns nil if it can't find the item.

Code: Select all

function bobmods.lib.item.get_type(name)
  local item_types = {"ammo", "armor", "capsule", "fluid", "gun", "item", "mining-tool", "module", "tool"}
  local item_type = nil
  for i, type_name in pairs(item_types) do
    if data.raw[type_name][name] then item_type = type_name end
  return item_type
Sabrewulf wrote:Before download all this mods, can you say about this pack? I don't know what expect, if its overpower, or easy, or very hard...
Generalising the mod overall isn't a very easy thing to do.
Some mods like bobelectronics complicate the building of electronics so much, it actually makes it slower to get started. And depending what other mods you have installed, the difficulty ramps up even further, for example, if tin exists, it'll use tin, and therefore require you to make a while tin processing chain before you can make electronics, so if you have bobplates(metals chemicals and intermediates) installed, along with bobores, then the difficulty doubles than if you were using bobelectronics without those mods. Though once you actually get a working electronics factory going, the difficulty levels off.

Personally, I have strived to make the mod as well ballanced as possible, adding difficulty in some areas, and ironing out some of the difficulty in others, while for the most part, adding extra levels of realism to the production chains.
It also adds higher tiers of almost everything, this includes aliens, as well as weapons and defences to deal with them.

What it lacks at the moment though is more intergration into the base game elements, for example, electronics is a total replacement, some recipes like batteries are altered to fit in, but other areas like the oil chain seem to just have a few things tacked into it while remaining fairly untouched, and the rocket launch part lacks any changes at all (so far).

So as a whole, the mod is a little on the incomplete site, but adds a lot more depth to the gameplay.

And obviously, some things probably are either overpowered or underpowered, but that's mostly a matter of opinion.
Inserters are currently going through a complete overhaul now that in 0.13 changing pickup and drop positions is possible, previously (currently) there is a unique entity, item and recipe for each configuration of inserter I have allowed, but in the future (or with the beta of bobinserters, very buggy and incomplete), you will be able to just place a fast inserter, then configure it to turn it into... for example, a right angle short in long out inserter that places an item on the near side of a belt.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by gloke »

I am also looking to get into this since it seems to be the only large mod pack that's being maintained.

Should I use RSO with this or does it have its own version?

Are there any other mods that would be considered nice additions or necessary to go with this pack? I already have EvoGUI and YARM.

I'm looking to make the game as hard as reasonably possible
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Aonova »

I dream of a day where all of bobs mod balance-wise overhauls every system of vanilla with cohesion, as a go-to "realism/complex mode" version of the factorio concept.

Think about it, how awesome would it be if bobwarfare completely replaced vanilla, so no longer can a random bloke mass produce assault weapon ammunition with just a plate of iron. Sadly, with the current state of balance one would not be able to survive early game without some well thought out RSO config settings.

Anywho /ramble
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Nexela »

So as a whole, the mod is a little on the incomplete site, but adds a lot more depth to the gameplay.
Bob's Mods is a lot like Factorio in that it adds a lot of fun, is still in development. and if Factorio or Bob ever stopped updating at this point most of the people that play wouldn't even know both are unfinished products.

As far as balance. well that is really up to each user. RE: the inserter changes. you could look at those and say oh hey being able to do for example, a right angle short in long out inserter that places an item on the near side of a belt in the corner could be seen as overpowered. Also some of the higher tiers of items could seem overpowered if you are not firing off a million rockets per minute. But on the plus side it is already scaled for future factorio development.
Should I use RSO with this or does it have its own version?

Are there any other mods that would be considered nice additions or necessary to go with this pack? I already have EvoGUI and YARM.

I'm looking to make the game as hard as reasonably possible
Yes to RSO it handles ore gen a LOT better then default factorio
If your looking to make your game harder then you would also Want to add all of Angel's mods they play really nicely with bob's and make the mining smelting stages of the game a lot more lucrative as well as harder.
And you will probably want Smart Trains to handle complex rail lines.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Aonova »

gloke wrote:I am also looking to get into this since it seems to be the only large mod pack that's being maintained.

Should I use RSO with this or does it have its own version?

Are there any other mods that would be considered nice additions or necessary to go with this pack? I already have EvoGUI and YARM.

I'm looking to make the game as hard as reasonably possible
If you're willing to face realistic difficulty, I would say all of bobs mods + Angels mod (refining, processing, and ores). That is imo the paragon of reasonable non BS (marathon mod) difficulty spike to factorio. Atm, both mods are actively in the works and many stages remain unfinished/polished. To be fair tho, Factorio as a whole is kind of like that as well rn :D.

Welp, I love Angel mod, and I think arch666angel prolly makes the sweetest mod graphics (almost up to par with the official factorio ones, all animated an everything. Give them a try.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Nexela »

Welp, I love Angel mod, and I think arch666angel prolly makes the sweetest mod graphics (almost up to par with the official factorio ones, all animated an everything. Give them a try.
In my own personal opinion (<- I hate having to even write this but some people don't know what an opinion is). I like the awesome graphics from both Angel and Yuoki but on the entity side I don't think either of them visually blend with factorio entites really well. Admittedly my only real experience with both mods is playing around in creative mode.

My next playthrough though will have Angel'ss as well as Bob's
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by sporefreak »

bobingabout wrote:

Code: Select all

if bobmods and bobmods.warfare then
that would be a reasonable line to check if my warfare mod is installed.
Nope this didnt work either...
I can move the items fine now but still having problems with your mod.
my mod checks are working fine for other mods, i just tested them all but for whatever reason they are not working for your mod.

Found the problem.

Code: Select all

if data.raw["item"]["heavy-armor-2"] then
	bobsarmors = true

Code: Select all

if data.raw["armor"]["heavy-armor-2"] then
	bobsarmors = true
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by gloke »

Aonova wrote:
gloke wrote:I am also looking to get into this since it seems to be the only large mod pack that's being maintained.

Should I use RSO with this or does it have its own version?

Are there any other mods that would be considered nice additions or necessary to go with this pack? I already have EvoGUI and YARM.

I'm looking to make the game as hard as reasonably possible
If you're willing to face realistic difficulty, I would say all of bobs mods + Angels mod (refining, processing, and ores). That is imo the paragon of reasonable non BS (marathon mod) difficulty spike to factorio. Atm, both mods are actively in the works and many stages remain unfinished/polished. To be fair tho, Factorio as a whole is kind of like that as well rn :D.

Welp, I love Angel mod, and I think arch666angel prolly makes the sweetest mod graphics (almost up to par with the official factorio ones, all animated an everything. Give them a try.
Cheers thanks for the link!
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by hoho »

marcelgrilo wrote:That is sad man. This is why it is so important to generate obfuscated binaries, even for mods, the code as it is now is so fragile and palusable of copying....
I'd prefer not to see obfuscated lua code in mods or mod obfuscation in general in any game.

Obfuscation will make copying stuff harder, sure, but not impossible. It will also make it harder to get ideas from other people and to fix/update stuff by third parties.

I think the loss of being able to fix things and get ideas is significantly more serious than the possibility of copying code without permission. Stealing can be dealt with by banning mods from modportal/forums until the owners fix their stuff.
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Re: [0.13.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Masterfox »

Arent your express inserters pretty much useless right now, atleast with all the stack upgrades researched? Stack inserters are about 50% faster(cable network used to test, after the stack inserter moved 10000 items, the express one only moved ~6800) and they do not cost that much more.
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