[MOD] LogisticsUtility

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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.3

Post by Kasp3r »

Xmat wrote:[Ok. Done. If you want to keep czech localization updated, just PM me when you are going to release some new content and I will update translation. :-)
Thanks! I will do!

I'll also look into that red/blue -belt bug in colored belts.
alesque wrote:Hi, thanks for the mod. It's a very useful one !
Small signs let you make signs with icons.
Is it possible to change the icon of the small sign ? I installed the sign mod and I can't find a way to do so. What I would like to do is change the icon of the small sign to light oil, heavy oil, ect ... to have better visuals for some circuits that I have made in my refinery.
Not currently, but that is something that is planned and work in progress.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by Kasp3r »


I just uptaded the LogisticsSigns to 0.0.4. https://github.com/Kasperki/LogisticsUt ... _0.0.4.zip
Now it's possible to change the icon on the small sign.


Any other wishes than trying to make the font look better on the large signs?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by bigyihsuan »

I put a bug report on your repository: https://github.com/Kasperki/LogisticsUtility/issues/6

It involves clicking on the upper left hand corner, but not clicking on a mod's button. It gives an error from line 78 of control.lua. See the bug report for info.

I can confirm that this bug does not occur when Logistic Signs is not installed.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by Kasp3r »

bigyihsuan wrote:I put a bug report on your repository: https://github.com/Kasperki/LogisticsUtility/issues/6

It involves clicking on the upper left hand corner, but not clicking on a mod's button. It gives an error from line 78 of control.lua. See the bug report for info.

I can confirm that this bug does not occur when Logistic Signs is not installed.
Thanks for the good bug report!
It's has now been fixed to git master branch.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by maggi321 »

Hey! First of all: Thanks for your very nice mod! I was just fixing this mod for factorio 0.13 for my personal usage, when I stumbled on the problem, that you apparently have with accessing data.raw in the control.lua.
Using this workaround, I was able to fix it and remove the need for the ICONSGUI-variable. It doesn't seem to show all the items from my other mods though, which is why I moved the styles prototype definition to data-final-fixes.lua, but that didn't help either.
Anyway: Here is what I have achieved this far. It works with 0.13 and the ICONSGUI-variable is no longer needed, which makes a lot more icons choosable for the small sign.
(148.96 KiB) Downloaded 157 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by Kasp3r »

maggi321 wrote:Hey! First of all: Thanks for your very nice mod! I was just fixing this mod for factorio 0.13 for my personal usage, when I stumbled on the problem, that you apparently have with accessing data.raw in the control.lua.
Using this workaround, I was able to fix it and remove the need for the ICONSGUI-variable. It doesn't seem to show all the items from my other mods though, which is why I moved the styles prototype definition to data-final-fixes.lua, but that didn't help either.
Anyway: Here is what I have achieved this far. It works with 0.13 and the ICONSGUI-variable is no longer needed, which makes a lot more icons choosable for the small sign.
Nice good job! I'll look into that when I got the time.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.4

Post by Eogen »

Thoughts for Railway Signs

A sign type that automatically:
1) Shows the name of the adjacent/nearby Train Station
2) When positioned next to a railway, shows the distance to, and name of next Station
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Re: [MOD 0.13.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.5

Post by Kasp3r »

The mods are now updated to Factorio 13.X
Thanks to Maggi321 for the awesome update to signs :)

https://github.com/Kasperki/LogisticsUt ... ing_v0.0.4
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Re: [MOD 0.13.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.5

Post by tanelorn »

As on 12 Dec 2016 your mod page still only shows 12x versions. When I install it manually Factorio refuses to activate it because of incompatibility.

The listing in the Factorio in game mod system shows it but Factorio can't find a version number so it refuses to install from the in-game menu.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.X] LogisticsUtility 0.0.5

Post by Kasp3r »

Thanks for theRustyKnife updating the Logistics Signs to working with factorio version 0.14.X !


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Re: [MOD] LogisticsUtility

Post by Anson »

really nice to have this mod now for 0.14

there are only one smaller suggestion and one bigger problem:

1. when i enter text for the larger signs, i have to click the OK button. it would be nice if i could just push the enter key.

2. most of all, i would like to use the small signs with icons. but when i place one such sign, the resulting window shows only 10 lines of only 47 icons per line, a total of 470 while it should be (depending on the number of mods i have enabled) 600+ (or even 1200+ as soon as boxing2 is bugfree for me). my screen is big (1920x1100 windowed) and still a lot of icons are outside of my screen on the left and right sides :-( even when filling the screen completely, i would guess at most a total of 25x45 (=1000+) could be shown properly for me instead of 1200++ (and even less for people with smaller screens)

maybe a tabbed view could be used to have icons nicely sorted, or a window for maybe 20x20 icons with a vertical scrollbar. reducing the size of icons would be another alternative, but i saw how difficult it is to find specific icons with the old testmod and its small icons.
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Re: [MOD] LogisticsUtility

Post by Kasp3r »

Good feedback Anson. I have not tried the mod with alot of other mods enabled. But I can see the problem.

One solution would be to add tabs or scrolling like you suggested. We have to look into what is the best solution how you would categorize tabs etc...

Also one question is do we want to show all icons or should it be restricted to default icons?
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Re: [MOD] LogisticsUtility

Post by Anson »

Kasp3r wrote:One solution would be to add tabs or scrolling like you suggested.
We have to look into what is the best solution how you would categorize tabs etc...
Also one question is do we want to show all icons or should it be restricted to default icons?
difficult question ...

as an example, i use the mod "Text Plates". that mod provides a lot of icons (77 different, each in two sizes and two colors, for a total of 308 icons). to reduce the number of items in the crafting menu, only four "base plates" are made visible, and users have to chose the final icon from a popup window when they place those base plates.
currently, your mod tries to show all those 308 icons, and that is really nice since all letters are included, a few special letters, and also arrows, etc. imagine a large sign "to the smelting section", followed by a series of arrows on small signs which show where to go :-)
if you would reduce the icons to those that are visible in the crafting menu, or even to only some small set of default icons, all this wouldn't be possible.

as an "opposite example", the boxing2 mod has icons for each box that can be made from any item in the game (thus a few hundred when having many mods), and most of those boxes look identical since they are dynamically created placeholder graphics, including for the 304 invisble plates that really don't exist (except maybe in blueprints for robots to place them).

if you want to quickly test your mod with many icons, just include these two mods and you should immediately get 600++ icons :-)

similar (although smaller) floods of icons come from mods like WideChests (which enables users to connect up to 42 steel chests vertically or horizontally to one single chest for big train stations, thus producing maybe 82 additional identical icons), and Satellite Radar which adds 17 tiers of radars (currently, the max is for 1632 satellites in space: 41x41 visible range and 169x169 scanning range :-)

if you exclude invisible icons from your selection window, it probably would remove the useful textplate(*) icons, maybe also the useless radar icons, but probably still keep all the box icons (including those placeholders generated for textplate boxes and all the other placeholders). :-) :-( :-) :-( :-( :-(
thus i probably wouldn't recommend this as selection criteria ...
(*) of course, the textplate icons can also be used without signs, since that is their purpose :-)

if you create tabs for the icons, you shouldn't invent some new order and grouping, but try to use the existing tabs in the crafting menu so that users don't have to learn some completely new ordering. ... btw: I'm currently shown 13 tabs in the craft menu, some (like the signs tab) with only 3, 4 or 10 items, and one even with 125+ items. installing bobs mods and angels mods etc, you probably will get flooded with another 10-15 tabs and many more items :-)

an alternative to the craft menu would be the selection window for signals that has the same icons as the crafting menu, plus more icons like the signals 0-9, A-Z, colors, and depending on installed mods even a set of text, mathematical, graphical signals, or even japanese kana signals/icons :-) ... btw: for signals, I'm currently shown 15 tabs, and they include the widechests, the radars, but not the textplates (boxing2 mod is currently disabled because of a bug in its migration)

I don't know whether it's easily possible to include signals for your signs, but at least japanese players might enjoy it :-) LOL
and when i have to live with lots of useless icons anyway, i surely would prefer to also have a few useful additional color signal icons etc, too :-)

maybe the window which shows the icon selection could get some checkmarks to enable and disable groups of icons (like invisible items, signals icons, etc). another idea (not thought through very well) would be to add more "small signs" (same graphics, but different selection methods), like a "small visible items" sign, a "small signals sign", and a "small default icons sign" that has a fixed small number of most useful icons for quick selection.

anyway, also a tabbed selection or any other method should probably get a scrollable list view since nobody knows which mods might add more tabs and/or more icons so that available space in windows of any size and with any number of tabs is not good enough.
thus implementing the scroll functionality should probably have top priority no matter whether you do tabs (later) or not.
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Re: [MOD] LogisticsUtility

Post by Zuzak »

Upon trying to launch Factorio today after updating mods for the first time in a week, I get an error message
Error No such node (filename)

checking all my mods by removing them in batches until culprit was narrowed down resulted in LogisticsSigns 0.0.6 being the one.
I looked through the code a bit, but I could not narrow down where it farts.
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