prerequisites: Advanced material processing
tiles: 2x2
cost: 10 steel plates, 10 stone bricks, 5 pipes
upgrades over standard boiler:
efficiency: 0.5 -> 0.75
pollution: 6 -> 3
So I once again drifted into balance section of the forums, and found people are still arguing about solar panels. To be frank I am not big fan of "solars are simply superior" theory (I think accumulators are, thus empowering otherwise well balanced solars), but as I skimmed through the latest "solars are OP" thread I found one convincing argument:
That's a lot. I don't think it's necessarily bad that you need to be supplying such amount of materials for such a base, but it could use some boost. And especially as everything else in the game gets some upgrades with research, boilers are kind of left behind. Increased efficiency of some advanced boiler would also naturally mean reduced pollution of such boiler, reducing another big problem with steam powered bases in later game.siggboy wrote:Each GW [of electricity] requires 15.000 coal per minute.
As I think about it I can't escape conclusion that this is very natural and very easy addition to the game. Btw if you know some mod that does just this, post it here as well