The blinking yellow warning indications that an item has no power shouldn't be blinking.
Imagine the situation that you are shutting down several parts of your factory to save on power (like Laser Turrets when there's no enemy nearby or whatever) and only switching power on if you actually need that part of the factory. So while the upcoming power grid switch will probably be able to do the job I have to admit that 10000 yellow blinking items on the screen is pretty much annyoing as hell.

1) I suggest turning them into static yellow icons for everything. Would be the easiest thing.
2) Once the switches are a thing that there is a difference in if something isn't connected to a grid containing a power source at all (there's no power supplying object connected to the entire grid) or if it is just switched off temporarily (like the Laser Turret example from above). Because if something is switched off temporarily the icons shouldn't blink at all... because it is annyoing if it happens even if you turned that part of the factory off on purpose. In that case a static indication telling "item is temporarily turned off" would be better.
Maybe someone else suggested something similar already but I couldn't find anything when searching for blinking/flashing/yellow icons/indications.