Missing node (major_version).
It is referring to the json setting file that my server has. It is giving me this error despite having the node major_version there. This is how my server-settings.json looks likes.
Code: Select all
"major_version": "0.13.3",
"name": "My game",
"description": "My game",
"max_players": "4",
"visibility": "public",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"token": "",
"application_version": "22991",
"game_password": "",
"verify_user_identity": "true"
The settings are located in the Factorio\bin\x64 folder, the same where the exe is and the bat file. This is the batch command I am using for launch
Code: Select all
Factorio.exe --server-settings "server-settings.json" --start-server "map.zip"
I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.