[0.13.0] [Pending] Crash when replacing an extractor

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:27 pm

[0.13.0] [Pending] Crash when replacing an extractor

Post by Vatticson »

I removed an empty extractor from a iron zone, with the intention of putting it in another place with iron. The crash occured when I placed it.

Code: Select all

   0.018 2016-07-03 18:24:21; Factorio 0.13.0 (Build 22782, win64, steam)
   0.018 Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
   0.018 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.018 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.018 Write data path: C:/Users/Edward/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
   0.018 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.046 Graphics options: [FullScreen: true] [VSync: true] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 20%] [Screen: 0] [DXT: false]
   0.047 Available display adapters: 2
   0.047  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series {0x8000005, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.047  [1]: \\.\DISPLAY2 - AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series {0x8000001, [-1280,-450], 1280x1024, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.047 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.381 Initialised OpenGL:[0] AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series; driver: 4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.200.1062.1004
   0.400     Video memory size (total/current available): 1024/1011 MB
   0.461 Desktop composition is active.
   0.645 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.651 Loading mod base 0.13.0 (data.lua)
   0.783 Checksum for core: 1399339455
   0.783 Checksum for mod base: 2039900801
   1.532 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   1.535 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6367
   1.536 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1104
  58.479 Sprites loaded
  58.479 Convert atlas 4096x1104 to: trilinear-filtering 
  58.646 Loading sounds...
  63.817 Custom inputs active: 0
  64.098 Factorio initialised
 132.776 Loading map C:/Users\Edward\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\Primerafabrica.zip
 132.859 Info Scenario.cpp:129: Map version 0.13.0-93
 134.591 Checksum for script C:/Users/Edward/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
 823.448 Error CrashHandler.cpp:108: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 00000001405501E6
 823.448 Error CrashHandler.cpp:118: Exception Context:
rax=000001c000000167, rbx=0000000041cce2d0, rcx=000000000ec86198,
rdx=000000004bed5c20, rsi=0000000000000010, rdi=000000005287fa70,
rip=00000001405501e6, rsp=0000000006f9f618, rbp=000000000e39f748,
 r8=0000000000000000,  r9=0000000000000000, r10=000000005287fa80,
r11=0000000000000000, r12=0000000000000000, r13=0000000000000005,
r14=000000000e39f6c0, r15=0000000000000005
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001408A16E3)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001408A16E3)
00000001408A16E3 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF418A4)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF418A4)
000000013FF418A4 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF41082)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF41082)
000000013FF41082 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001403AB8EC)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001403AB8EC)
00000001403AB8EC (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001403ABD9F)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001403ABD9F)
00000001403ABD9F (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000007736B9D0)
000000007736B9D0 (kernel32): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000007747A0B8)
000000007747A0B8 (ntdll): (filename not available): EtwEventSetInformation
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000077408008)
0000000077408008 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000007741905D)
000000007741905D (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlDecodePointer
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000077408C0F)
0000000077408C0F (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUnwindEx
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000007743D948)
000000007743D948 (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001405501E6)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001405501E6)
00000001405501E6 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001404EE682)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001404EE682)
00000001404EE682 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000014019AE77)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000014019AE77)
000000014019AE77 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FFFBDA0)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FFFBDA0)
000000013FFFBDA0 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF429AB)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF429AB)
000000013FF429AB (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF50449)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000013FF50449)
000000013FF50449 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001401013F2)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001401013F2)
00000001401013F2 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000140337335)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 0000000140337335)
0000000140337335 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001408F8B73)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000001408F8B73)
00000001408F8B73 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000014099EF05)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000014099EF05)
000000014099EF05 (Factorio): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00000000772E59ED)
00000000772E59ED (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 000000007741B831)
000000007741B831 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
 824.934 Error CrashHandler.cpp:85: Map tick at moment of crash: 18820801
 824.934 Error Util.cpp:77: Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
Posts: 14770
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:23 am

Re: [0.13.0] Crash when replacing an extractor

Post by Rseding91 »

Please update to 0.13.4 and see if you can reproduce the error there.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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