Me and a friend started a new multiplayer world yesterday on 0.13.0. Due to the amount of new additions (which are awesome) and the integration of achievements we played vanilla, so no are mods involved. Everything worked fine and we put a good 6 hours into it.
When we saw the 0.13.1 announcement on steam we both updated and wanted to dive back in, but we were no longer able to see one another's server in the Public Server Browsing Menu, not when searching by name, filtering by Steam Friends or even manually looking through the list. We definitely set the visibility to public though. When we were trying to join via steam we got an error with something along the lines "Could not establish network communication" (not entirely sure). We both still see a lot of other public servers and are able to join some random ones. We made a downgrade back to 0.13.0 and continued our map there, until he had to go.
I tried some googlefu but without a result, however, on the 0.13.1 update post on reddit, I found someone posting the same issues. As no bug report exists yet, I decided to write this one.
Quote from reddit:
Sadly, I can't do any further testing, as my friend is away, but I will give it a try, once he finds some time.Badluxbro 3 points 4 hours ago
All of a sudden my friend and I can't join each others multiplayer servers, or even find them for that matter. When we invite through steam it fails.
Any ideas? :S super annoying
Some Notes(maybe totally unrelated, dunno): Someone mentioned Port Forwarding needs to be disabled, but at least for my router it is turned off.