Splitting up Mods Board

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Splitting up Mods Board

Post by ssilk »

Because 0.12 will break all mods (the interface methods have all changed), this is the right time to do some changes with the mods in this forum at all.

So I will split the current mods into
  • "Modding Discussions", which are then thought for help, new ideas, disussion in general about modding and
  • the current "Mods", which are then only thought for mods, mod packages, getting an overview over the mods,
For the mods, it makes also sense to make the possibilities for rating and bringing them into a form, which is more useful.

More can be done of course, others are really invited to do more. Betka asked for example also for the Mod categories in the forum. This subject I currently won't touch (too much changes at once and cause I really have no ideas how to categorize that).

But there is generally no limit for tasks, that can be done, the only condition is, that it should be some work for the praise of the forum, no for the praise of yourself. :)
There is for example the idea to make an overview of the mods in the wiki and enable so a much better overview.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by safan »

One of the bigger troubles with the former mod forum is, that good but tiny mods that don't need much updating get lost quite quickly. They don't deserve a own subforum, but should be quickly available for interested people (natural evolution, more logistic slots, scalar, endless research, ...)
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by ssilk »

I like for example the Item-count mod. https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =87&t=8336
So useful.

I have no problem, if someone wants to collect all of those mods here (mods, that are not mentioned anywhere else but useful).
<hint hint>
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by SHiRKiT »

ssilk wrote:I like for example the Item-count mod. https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =87&t=8336
So useful.

I have no problem, if someone wants to collect all of those mods here (mods, that are not mentioned anywhere else but useful).
<hint hint>
I posted on the other topic, but I'll post here as well. The link below shows of what was done in the HoN forums for this. I can start making something like this, but IMO the best would be a Wiki article where everyone could edit, or an IFrame loading the article. Otherwise, it would be locked to me or a moderator. Anyone has an idea how can we achieve this? Would a Wiki article be a good idea indeed?

https://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/show ... lications)
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by ssilk »

I can give you moderator rights for that, or just make it in the wiki (it's a wiki, you know? :) ) just as you like. Rest please via PM.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by SHiRKiT »

But then only a few people will be able to edit the topic. The wiki is more open, so at least any people can add info to it, but then it's ugly and doesn't match the forums.

Edit: Understand that I'm not denying that I'll do it, it's just that whenever I miss a mod or I go afk for a while (or forever), everything would halt. This is what I'm trying to avoid.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by ssilk »

That was is the reason, why I tried to bring as many things into the wiki as possible, so that everybody can change.

Fuck for layout. ;)
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by alphamax86 »

Why not make an dedicated modding page instead of the forums like for instance : Mod page it will let you select game versions, type of mods etc will make losing mods in the big clutter a lot less likely since everyting will be nicely sorted
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by y.petremann »

alphamax86 wrote:Why not make an dedicated modding page instead of the forums like for instance : Mod page it will let you select game versions, type of mods etc will make losing mods in the big clutter a lot less likely since everyting will be nicely sorted
This is already the aim of the developers.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by Arch666Angel »

alphamax86 wrote:Why not make an dedicated modding page instead of the forums like for instance : Mod page it will let you select game versions, type of mods etc will make losing mods in the big clutter a lot less likely since everyting will be nicely sorted
Yeah but factoriomods.com is the reason for 90% of people having issues because of grabbing the wrong mod versions, since it seems that the page is not really curated at all.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by alphamax86 »

Oh yeah the site itself is crap mods repeating itself 10-20 times bud they had the general idea of how to find the mods your looking for by making it possible to select game version then search for example all mods or game changing or incerters....
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by Smoovious »

If they can get Steam Workshop enabled, that should help a lot, since mods can be tagged with some version control, auto-updating/installing, etc...

one of these days :crossed-fingers:

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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by ssilk »

I think I must disappoint you.
Have a look into this article: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=20819 Mod Portal / Steam Workshop

TL;DR: No Steam Workshop, cause that would disable their ability to sell the game on other platforms/themselves.
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by binbinhfr »

ssilk wrote: [*] the current "Mods", which are then only thought for mods, mod packages, getting an overview over the mods, [/list]
Did I miss something ? where is this new section ?
I do see 0.12, 0.11, but no 0.13...
If I want to post a new 0.13 mod, or continue the discussion on a mod that exists under 0.12 but was updated to 0.13, where can we do it ?
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by Klonan »

binbinhfr wrote:
ssilk wrote: [*] the current "Mods", which are then only thought for mods, mod packages, getting an overview over the mods, [/list]
Did I miss something ? where is this new section ?
I do see 0.12, 0.11, but no 0.13...
If I want to post a new 0.13 mod, or continue the discussion on a mod that exists under 0.12 but was updated to 0.13, where can we do it ?
From now on mods should be hosted on the mod portal, and there can be mod specific discussions within the mod portal pages for these mods,
If you'd like to make some recommendations or you have any feedback about the new mod portal please post in the mod portal discussion forum,

We know at the moment the mod portal isn't perfect, and that there will be some growing pains and a period of adjustment,
But we believe moving forward this is a better all around solution
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by binbinhfr »

Klonan wrote: If you'd like to make some recommendations or you have any feedback about the new mod portal please post in the mod portal discussion forum,
That's what I did, viewtopic.php?f=189&t=27529
but as the discussion seems to be here, I came here...

the current "Mods", which are then only thought for mods, mod packages, getting an overview over the mods,
is not ok ?

I can understand that we should post mod itself on the portal, much more convenient for update, players, etc...
but the discussion about the mod will be hard on the portal for the moment. Especially at this moment where users will complain about problem due to 0.13 changes...
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by Klonan »

binbinhfr wrote:
I can understand that we should post mod itself on the portal, much more convenient for update, players, etc...
but the discussion about the mod will be hard on the portal for the moment. Especially at this moment where users will complain about problem due to 0.13 changes...
Users will complain regardless, but if we continue to allow uploads and discussions here, it will just make it more difficult in the future, and make the mod portal less effective and more vague in its purpose.
The discussions might not be perfect on the portal, but its is important to us that we sucessfully integrate it into the community, and disallow a split between mods hosted here and those hosted on the portal.

For that reason, we are being more than suggestive that mods for 0.13 should go on the portal. For now though it is ok to continue to host some discussion here, as i know the mod portal discussions is very much work in progress, but i won't start setting aside forums and new places for this here while we are trying to migrate everyone to the mod portal

I'd like to thank you for your comments, people forget sometimes that this is an early access alpha game, and that we really do listen to what the community says, and as we fix things up and add new features i hope we will all work towards a the best possible environment to promote the strength of the community
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by binbinhfr »

Klonan, I perfectly understand what you mean, and this mod portal is a great improvement.
It is already usable for mod upload/download, and I will use it for this from now on, to push on in the good direction.

I just think that it is not quite mature for presentations/discussions (it seems that it lacks the basic email notification, no? and images are cropped), so for a while, I will continue some presentations/discussions here, but not posting any more file. I will redirect users to the portal, as I already did for this new mod : viewtopic.php?f=92&t=27553
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Research screen

Post by axelsword »

Research screen no longer opens when the very first lab is placed down.
By now I know that the default key to open research is "T", but what about new players?
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Re: Splitting up Mods Board

Post by steinio »

Do the tutorial?!

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