HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

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HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by drs9999 »

Here is an example map that shows all new and old stuff from the mod.


For Treefarm Lite & AC

For Treefarm Lite & AC
It shows nearly everything that is currently available.

What is missing?
I do not want to spoil how the new ammo, capsule, turret look in action ;)
What might be a bit confusing is the fertilizer for the field (mk2 field, too). One single fertilizer item can be used to fertilize 10 seeds. So it is not that expensive that it might look like.

See this thread also as an Q&A-thread, so please ask if anything is unclear
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.1

Post by Rensiur »

I haven't quite understood how to get the Logistics Field (MK2) to work again.

Would it be possible to do a step by step image explanation?
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.1

Post by drs9999 »

Sure, I guess I would not understand it either if I did not programmed it :D

Step 0:
- do not place the fieldmk2 inside of your logistic network
Step 1:
- place the field and adjust the size as disered
Step 2:
- build a transport-belt + inserter to supply the field with germling (or other seeds from addons)
Step 2.1:
- as desired repeat it for fertilizer, make sure to use the circuit network to not fill the field only with fertilizer or seeds
Step 3:
- set the wood threshold via the requestslot of the requester-chest
- if the amount of wood inside the chest reaches the set limit the field is deactivated,
which means no more harvesting
- the default value is 1k, so if the amount of raw-wood inside the chest is greater or equal 1k the field stops to assign new trees that are ready to harvest
- after a field was deactivated the field will be automatically reactivated if the amount of wood in the chest is lower than the half of the set limit
- to extract the wood (from the requester-chest), again use inserter + transport-belt
Step 4:
- spawn some construction robot next to the field
Step 5:
- done ;)

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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.1 aka Q&A

Post by Rensiur »

Hmmm.. Ok I understood it untill the part to supply the field, logistics network etc. But those pesky construction bots won't farm teh trees for some reason.

I'm gonna give it another try tomorrow.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by PrometheusX »

May you update the link to that howto zip? The Link/Mirror is dead.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by drs9999 »

Sorry, I do not know why it was not working, but it is working again.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by Aldar »

Fertilizer isn't needed in fields, so what does it do if you add it?.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by drs9999 »

Yes, fertilizer is optional, but if a field is supplied with it it boosts the average growing time.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by Araxiel »

The Treefarm MK2 is flooding my Logistic Network Storage Chests with wood.
Is there a way to stop that from happening or do I need to create a second Logistic Network just for the tree farm and then send the wood into my main network using belts? That would be a major pain in my *neck*.

Actually, I did found a solution by myself right after posting this (thanks anyways Damrus, I think you're describing the same solution I found).

I didn't know that you could also fill the building itself with germlings using an inserter. I added a line of conveyor belts from my germlings factory to the MKII "spire" and added them using a smart inserter that only runs if the logistic network has less than 200 wood. If I drop beneath 100 wood it will fill the buildings with germlings and the ensuing forest will yield some 1k wood. It's not very precise but it's the closest I see to a solution and completely fine for my needs.

The screenshot is my first attempt, where both the limit was 1k and there was a box infront of it (for no good reason).
capture_001_13122014_143855.jpg (278.65 KiB) Viewed 59455 times
Last edited by Araxiel on Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by Damrus »

You can just make a smart system that doesn't fill the treefarm with seeds if you have X wood. Have a requester box in the neighberhood to gather all the wood and you should be good (with some minor wood overlap).
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.1

Post by Boldar »

drs9999 wrote:Sure, I guess I would not understand it either if I did not programmed it :D

Step 0:
- do not place the fieldmk2 inside of your logistic network
Step 1:
- place the field and adjust the size as disered
Step 2:
- build a transport-belt + inserter to supply the field with germling (or other seeds from addons)
Step 2.1:
- as desired repeat it for fertilizer, make sure to use the circuit network to not fill the field only with fertilizer or seeds
Step 3:
- set the wood threshold via the requestslot of the requester-chest
- if the amount of wood inside the chest reaches the set limit the field is deactivated,
which means no more harvesting
- the default value is 1k, so if the amount of raw-wood inside the chest is greater or equal 1k the field stops to assign new trees that are ready to harvest
- after a field was deactivated the field will be automatically reactivated if the amount of wood in the chest is lower than the half of the set limit
- to extract the wood (from the requester-chest), again use inserter + transport-belt
Step 4:
- spawn some construction robot next to the field
Step 5:
- done ;)

I understand that this is outdated, as it doesn't work any more. But how do I now use the Field?
Figured it out - just put the seeds in. My Problem was that the Alien Plant seeds do not work, see also there: ... 230#p69230
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by Finndibaenn »


Would it be possible to make MK2 Field behave like passive provider chests rather than active ones ?
If you don't use ALL output, it eventually floods your logistic system and i can't see a way of limiting this.

Writing it ... I guess i could have a smart inserter deliver the seeds but still, I belive it would be nice to have
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Re: HowTo Treefarm v1.1.x aka Q&A

Post by drs9999 »

The mk2 field by itself works like a requester chest, but I now what you meant.
Imo the "cleanest" way is to create a seperate LogNet for the fields.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by irbork »

My fields are not being fertilized properly even though I provide germlings on the same belt as seeds.
Fields accept seedlings first and it always occupy the fuel slot so germlings have no chance to get in. It results in very slow wood production.
It makes no sense early game to produce seeds and germlings early game since it requires complicated circuit network to provide farms with both at different times.

Am I missing something or does it suppose to work this way?
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Re: HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by Senshi »

My questions:
What's the difference between trees and coral trees?
Why should I use fertilizer? TreeFarms grow just with saplings, and fertilizer production eats a lot of resources.
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Re: HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by zlyfire »

Senshi wrote:My questions:
What's the difference between trees and coral trees?
Why should I use fertilizer? TreeFarms grow just with saplings, and fertilizer production eats a lot of resources.
Coral trees grow better on sand, whereas normal trees are very slow on sand.
Fertilizer provides a good boost for your tree farms, and lasts much longer than it would seem. You get plenty when you craft it, plus each one works on ten germlings when planted (trees are planted fertilized, and remain so until they are harvested).
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Re: HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by zlyfire »

I've finally dabbled into the mk2 farm and its powerful! Big range, lots of trees, can request things by itself. One problem, which everyone else seems to have, is that it floods the lognet with way too much output. The answer seems to be to rig up smart inserters and a conveyor belt. My suggestion would be that you should be able to hook it up with a wire and control it that way!
Would this be possible? (Was attempting to in game, unable to)
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Re: HowTo Treefarm aka Q&A

Post by Blu3wolf »

Its not possible at present, but thats a good idea for the future.
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