My screen resolution is 1366x768.
The 'Research' button is pushed out of screen. The technology description, too.
hoho wrote:I was about to report the same bug and found this thread.
For anyone interested in workaround, play in non-maximized window and stretch the game window out horizontally until the button becomes visible.
Please file a new bug report.CanisLupus wrote:It still appears in 0.13.1 (Steam Version)
1920x1080 resolution (there are two monitors, the other has a resolution of 1280x1024, but isn't used for Factorio)
german localisation
Neither switching into windowed mode and resizing the window, nor changing the language setting to english solves the problem.
This alone is not sufficient, you need to post your UI settings, screen resolution and some screenshots to show what is causing it, this is best done by making a new report as the issue here is fixed.Bluelight wrote:This bug is still present even in 0.13.8! Please fix!
I'm trying to research "Efficiency module 3 (Available)", but the button is no-where to be found..
I have tried all suggested solutions and the issue still persist!
Edit: Sorry to re-awake an old post but this was all I could find.. I might make a new bug report of it later.. Not now!