A mod about using radios for fun and profit.
Name: Wireless Signals
Latest release: 0.1.2
Factorio version: 0.15.0+
Download: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/ItsTheKa ... ss-signals
License: GNU LGPL (see "License" section below)
Dependencies: base game only
Tags: circuit network
Author: Kais
Site: https://github.com/ItsTheKais/wireless-signals
Long description
When you're using signals, you generally have two options: use colored wires to transmit isolated sets of signals, or read from the logistics network. This can get cumbersome when you have to send a specific signal over a long distance - either you extend your logistics network to facilitate that signal (which can get expensive, and only one logistics network can access that signal), or drape miles of colored wires across electric poles by hand (which is boring, and runs the risk of accidentally crossing another set of wires). This is the niche that Wireless Signals fills.
This mod adds a radio receiver and two levels of radio transmitter, all of which can be hooked up to the circuit network. The transmitters broadcast signals from their circuit networks. The receiver collects signals from all transmitters it is in range of and transfers them to its circuit network. There is additionally a radio repeater, a combo receiver-transmitter that re-broadcasts signals that it receives without directly accessing any circuit networks.
The transmitter uses 300kW, has a radius of 600 tiles, and can send numeric signals and color signals. The transmitter 2 is a more expensive upgrade, using 850kW, reaching 1,500 tiles, and capable of broadcasting all numeric, alphabetic, and color signals. The repeater consumes 500kW and has a re-broadcast radius of 1,000 tiles. The receiver requires no power and can accept all signals that can be broadcast.
Radio devices are unlocked using the new research chain telemetry. Science pack 3 production and some electronics knowledge is required beforehand.
This mod adds a radio receiver and two levels of radio transmitter, all of which can be hooked up to the circuit network. The transmitters broadcast signals from their circuit networks. The receiver collects signals from all transmitters it is in range of and transfers them to its circuit network. There is additionally a radio repeater, a combo receiver-transmitter that re-broadcasts signals that it receives without directly accessing any circuit networks.
The transmitter uses 300kW, has a radius of 600 tiles, and can send numeric signals and color signals. The transmitter 2 is a more expensive upgrade, using 850kW, reaching 1,500 tiles, and capable of broadcasting all numeric, alphabetic, and color signals. The repeater consumes 500kW and has a re-broadcast radius of 1,000 tiles. The receiver requires no power and can accept all signals that can be broadcast.
Radio devices are unlocked using the new research chain telemetry. Science pack 3 production and some electronics knowledge is required beforehand.

Version history
0.0.1 - 23/10/15 - Initial beta release.
- Contains radio transmitter, radio transmitter 2, and radio reciever.
- Fixes devices being wrongly considered invalid after reload.
- Fixes readme not being included in the zip.
- Fixes crash on device nil check.
- Spell "receiver" correctly.
- Not 100% compatible with previous versions! Placed devices may malfunction or disappear if you load a 0.12.X save.
- Sweeping code overhaul to take advantage of 0.13's new circuit network API handles. Enormous performance improvement!
- Removed config.lua. Devices now update every tick.
- Transmitter 1 and 2 can now use all nine color signals. Transmitter 2 can no longer use A-F signals.
- Re-licensed mod from CC-BY-NC to GNU LGPL.
- Telemetry 2 technology now requires high tech science packs as alien science packs were removed.
- Transmitter 1 can now broadcast all numeric and color signals. Transmitter 2 can now additionally broadcast alphabetic signals.
- Added radio repeater!
- Added descriptions to entities and items, including range and compatible signal information.
- Increased wire distance of circuit connectable devices in line with 0.15.10 changes to vanilla devices.
- Slightly reduced power consumption of transmitter 1 (350kW -> 300kW).
- Fixes that transmitters could keep broadcasting signals after losing power.
- Post-processing on entity graphics to make them sharper.
Credit and license
The models used for this mod's graphics were made by BS2001. They are available for "unrestricted use" and were obtained from: http://www.sharecg.com/v/81581/browse/5 ... models-OBJ
Any content not outlined above is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0:
Any content not outlined above is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0: