So far,i`ve recorded 3 videos with the first being public,the scond will be published sometime tonight and the third one is currently rendering.
I'd be happy if you could drop by and give them a look,leave some comments/suggestions & constructive critics about what i could improve etc.
Also,i'm not a native english speaker,so i apologize for any gramatical errors and mispronounciations i make.
Unfortunately,since this is my first post,i'm not allowed to post url's here,but i will update this thread with a link to the playlist.
For now,simply search: Shroomworks Factorio Let's Play - Bob`s Mods on youtube in order to find it. Thank you in advance

EDIT: Episode 2 has been released

EDIT 2: Episode 3 is uploaded and will be released tomorrow. Link to the playlist: ... g1UtPyzK66