Water pools, vehicles and enmies.

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Water pools, vehicles and enmies.

Post by Miczu555PL »

Hello! (I'm not native english speaker,viewer discretion is advised.)

I tought about it and i would like to suggest some thing I think should be in factorio vanilla.
  • Fixes:
- Belts corners, The outter line should go faster on corners. Look at corner belt graphic, especcialy on arrow. It breakes the laws of physics.
  • New:
  • Vehicles:
- Boat | Ability to move on water. Usefull on big pools of water.
- Airplane | Ability to fly, Moves above everything, Can carry bmbs, Can be shoot down by Spitters.
- Mega Tank | <balance health and damage>, Can be filled with modules; similiar to Power Armors, <balance research cost>.
  • Placeables:
- Steel platforms | <balance research cost {mostly in later game},materials,health>, Can cover water pools granting player ability to walk and build on it.
  • Enemies:
- <name here> | A water biter, moves only in {big} water pools.
- <name here> | A water spitter, moves only in {big} water pools.
- Water Bitter Nest | A Bitter nest spawning on {big} water pools.
- Water Spitter Nest | A Spitter nest spawning on {big} water pools.
- <name here> | Water worms, <change texture> (in sizes of small, medium, and big)
  • Other:
- Long handed inserter speed | research, making lonch handed inserters move quicker. {separate research}
- Long handed inserter buffer | research, making long handed inserters move more objects from 1 machine/container to second. {separate research}
- Swim ability | You can move through water pools, you're unable to:{build,shoot}. (Fixes spawn on islands bug.)

Thx for reading, hope you "enjoyed" my ideas. :)
Please, let me know what you think.
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Re: Water pools, vehicles and enmies.

Post by Lord_lammington »

do you think it would be a good idea to stagger the swimming in 2 researches ? like Swimming 1 = Only in light blue water Swimming 2 = Only in dark pool water
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Re: Water pools, vehicles and enmies.

Post by ssilk »

Nice ideas. :) Sadly not split into threads. See viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3394 Read this OR be ignored!

Also the usage of colors in normal text is not recommended, cause it looks quite different with the different styles of this forum. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Water pools, vehicles and enmies.

Post by Otterbear »

I think you have some very good ideas there! It looks as though some have already been implemented or modded already.
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