How is this board working? (second try)

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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How is this board working? (second try)

Post by ssilk »

Suggestions (This board)
You can post any suggestion about the game here (For suggestion about this forum use This Forum).
Before you do so, you should know the following things:
  • A suggestion is taken by the devs when they are about to look for new ideas. Or when they just stumble upon it.
  • They have enough material for the next 3 years. Which doesn't mean, that they have fixed plans (only the next version is relatively fixed).
  • If your suggestion is too long, too complicated or doesn't add a game-value, it has a high chance, that the devs won't read it. See how to write better suggestions.
  • The devs love explanations with pictures. :)
  • A suggestion is most times not implemented in the way it is described here. They take the suggestion also as inspiration.
You need also to know, that about 30% of all suggestion in this board are already existing. So you have a high chance, that your suggestion is such a candidate. Therefore we planned the Frequently Suggested / Link Collections board. (I found also the originating old idea: ... =10#p22950 )
There is not everything yet (and of course), but the most prominent and always repeating ideas will go there as a linked list. We highly recommend to study this lists, before you're making a suggestion. If you are unsure: just ask. :)

Game value
Well, this is the biggest criteria for suggestions: What will this suggestion bring for the game-play?
That means, there is always a consideration: How much more complexity will a suggestion bring in vs. how much more game-play?
Added game-play vs. added complexity.

The calculation is simple and in most cases very objective: If the awaited rise in complexity is higher, than the awaited rise in game-play, well, then this is not a good suggestion and will be rejected. That may be discussed. If there are good arguments, which bring in more game-value, then this can change of course, nothing is fixed here, but the measurement is really this simple line.

We are not counting about effort in development! That is of course an argument, but if a suggestion is good enough it was always so, that it was implemented.

You have made it?
If it is good, maybe nobody will say anything. If not, the forum will discuss it. :) don't are about it. The forum is quite fair and a controverse discussion is a good sign, that you "might found something interesting".

How does that continue?
The suggestion is then either
  • picked up by the devs, (if the forum knows about it it will be put directly into "Ready for implementation"
  • further discussed (then it is maybe put into "Backlog (old, but good stuff)" with the target to make a "Forum-Ready Suggestion" out of it. (Eventually it will, land directly into "Forum-Ready Suggestions")
  • Eventually it is already suggested, then it should be linked from there.
  • If a suggestion is implemented it is put into "Implemented Suggestions"
  • and if not or if the suggestion is outdated or it will have not enough game value: "Outdated/Not implemented".
  • But to be honsest: Most suggestion will just keep in the suggestions-board, as they come in. Don't mind it! Their day will come. :)
Some examples
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: How is this board working? (second try)

Post by techno_letsgo »

Wouldn't the female character just be cosmetic?
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Re: How is this board working? (second try)

Post by ssilk »

Who knows? ;)
I mean not, cause the story of Factorio is fixed to a man. But such things can change.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: How is this board working? (second try)

Post by malecord »

ssilk wrote:Who knows? ;)
I mean not, cause the story of Factorio is fixed to a man. But such things can change.
Actually having a female character too would open to the possibility of additional character creation process. Once we figure out the right male female ratio we could build an efficient production line and soon multiply our forces and master the planet.



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Re: How is this board working? (second try)

Post by mooklepticon »

malecord wrote:
ssilk wrote:Who knows? ;)
I mean not, cause the story of Factorio is fixed to a man. But such things can change.
Actually having a female character too would open to the possibility of additional character creation process. Once we figure out the right male female ratio we could build an efficient production line and soon multiply our forces and master the planet.
It worked SOOOO well in Brave New World.

Sidenote: Necro much?
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