[MOD 0.13] Score Extended - rocket score replacement

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[MOD 0.13] Score Extended - rocket score replacement

Post by binbinhfr »

  • Type: Mod
  • Name: Score Extended
  • Description: Extension to original rocket score window. Display number of rockets and averages. Autohide the window after a delay. Autolaunch option.
  • Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.35
  • Locale: english, french
  • Multiplayer compatible: tested on a headless server.
  • Tags: Score, Rockets, Autolaunch
  • License: You are free to use and distribute this mod and also to modify it for personal use, but not to release a modified version without permission (unless visibly not maintained anymore).
  • Portal download : https://mods.factorio.com/mods/binbinhfr/ScoreExtended
screen 1c.jpg
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For Factorio 0.13.X :
Please now use the portal for downloads (see link above or use ingame mod install/update), as I won't update both downloads links here anymore.
Last edited by binbinhfr on Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:34 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Dima »

I can help U in translation
Just send me the texts in msg and I send back the translated
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

Another great mod from binbinfr! Going to try this out. I'm in the process of restarting my megabase on a new map though. I just need a new GPU to and finalize my blueprints and then I'm ready to rock(et launch)!
binbinhfr wrote:
Well prio 1: "traductions" is actually "translations" in english q:

Edit: Bug: GUI doesn't update when you launch rockets. You have to close and reopen to see the new score.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by steinio »

Very interesting mod.

Do you like to make a smaller overlay like yarm or EvoGui?
The gui looks heavy in my eyes and then this mod has more advantage against the vanilla pop-up.

Greetings steinio

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

Qon wrote: Well prio 1: "traductions" is actually "translations" in english q:

Edit: Bug: GUI doesn't update when you launch rockets. You have to close and reopen to see the new score.
"translations" corrected.

Refersh bug ? I did not have problem here, neither in solo or multi playing. Are you waiting for the end of the launch (factorio trigger the rocket launch event only when the rocket dissapears from the screen)
Are you working on an existing map/game ? In single player ? Are you using another mod that makes autolaunch ? Please be precise and eventually send me a gamefile to download somewhere.

The very first launch on an existing map is retrieving the old rockets count. Did you try a second launch ?
Do you like to make a smaller overlay like yarm or EvoGui?
The gui looks heavy in my eyes and then this mod has more advantage against the vanilla pop-up.
Well here it is : I made it smaller in v1.0.2 (using smaller fonts and abreviations) but not transparent because I find it unreadable. The idea was that the window would be readable and as it autohides after a few seconds, so its size was originaly not such a big deal. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Zilch »

Does this work with other mod satellites? Auto-launching LOICs is probably the most gangsta thing possible.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

Zilch wrote:Does this work with other mod satellites? Auto-launching LOICs is probably the most gangsta thing possible.
I don't know what LOIC is, please explain or give a link.

Anyway, I just changed a little thing in v1.0.3, and now it should autolaunch if anything present in the satellite slot.

Please try it and tell me if it works for your "LOIC" needs.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote:
Zilch wrote:Does this work with other mod satellites? Auto-launching LOICs is probably the most gangsta thing possible.
I don't know what LOIC is, please explain or give a link.

Anyway, I just changed a little thing in v1.0.3, and now it should autolaunch if anything present in the satellite slot.

Please try it and tell me if it works for your "LOIC" needs.
LOIC = Low Orbit Ion Cannon. He is taking about the Orbital Ion Cannon mod. LOIC is a security testing tool for testing web servers, often used for brute force syn-floods to take down websites.

Presume I want to launch supplies like repair kits with my rockets. And I want to send full stacks. Does this mod launch the rocket as soon as I insert a repair pack or does it launch it when the inventory hasn't changed for 1/2.31 seconds (time between fast inserter insertions)? If the latter then this mod would be useful for inserting any amount you wish and not just single items. Would be really useful when you want to send items to your outposts with Rocket logistics mod. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

For Low Orbital Ion Canon, I tested it and it works with 1.0.3 changes. As I said, it autolaunches as soon as the satellite slot is not empty.

I see that you did not forget about the "Rocket launch logistics" idea ! :-)

Testing the rocket is really not easy, because the rocket is hard to detect and only exists at the end of the rocket-silo process. Accessing it before this put factorio into error. That's why I use pcall. Factorio API does not give any easy way to customize or access this rocket thing.

The easier way for your "Rocket launch logistics" project, is to represent the payload by one single container object, a "rocket container", in 3 parts : a chest to prepare, an item to launch, and a chest to receive the content. The launch of the item would trigger the transfer between the 2 chests. So no need to delay the launch.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote: Refersh bug ? I did not have problem here, neither in solo or multi playing. Are you waiting for the end of the launch (factorio trigger the rocket launch event only when the rocket dissapears from the screen)
Are you working on an existing map/game ? In single player ? Are you using another mod that makes autolaunch ? Please be precise and eventually send me a gamefile to download somewhere.

The very first launch on an existing map is retrieving the old rockets count. Did you try a second launch ?
Existing save. Bug happens even if I disable another launch control mod. Latest factorio version and SE version 1.0.1. Single player.
Save file with mods attached. Test mode isn't required and fupower mod is probably not required either. Just load the save and wait for the rocket to launch.

In the save:
The SE GUI is open. Auto launch is enabled. Auto open/close GUI is disabled. What I expect to happen when a rocket is launched (when the rocket launch event is triggered. When it disappears.) is that the numbers in the GUI get updated. What happens is that the numbers are only updated when the SE GUI is opened, so I have to close it and open it again for the numbers to display the actual values. I have tested multiple launches. In auto open/close on launch mode it works as expected, because it closes and reopens the GUI which triggers the refresh.

Previous bug report was kind of low quality, my apologies.

Please be precise and eventually send me a gamefile to download somewhere.
Eventually means "At an unspecified future time" and not "maybe". It means "maybe" in my native tongue also so I understand the confusion. You asked for english help with your mod translations so I assume you won't mind if I point out this either ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

No problem for the english correction. What is your mother tongue ?

I downloaded your save and have a look at it tomorrow morning because I have to go out now : it's aperitive time !!! :-)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote: What is your mother tongue ?
it's aperitive time !!! :-)

Had to look up aperitive. Apparently it's in english dictionaries, did not expect that :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

aptitretare med kort drink ? ;)

Please update to v1.0.4
the problem should be corrected.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote:aptitretare med kort drink ? ;)
Works as expected now!

Never heard of "kort drink" either. Searching for it and what I find is the swedish wikipedia article mentioning "long drink" in english without any mention of "short drink". "Short drink" is mentioned in the english wiki page though. But I also don't drink poison so there might be a cultural barrier also there... :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

Qon wrote:But I also don't drink poison so there might be a cultural barrier also there... :)
I also try to avoid drinking any poison ! But french red wine, in moderate quantities and if you have the legal age, can be a very nice way to start a good meal or to jump over cultural barriers ;)

By the way did you try this ? viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26151
or viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26187
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote:By the way did you try this ? viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26151
or viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26187
Nope. I'm challenged enough by my bot factory q: And I prefer production goals instead of time goals.
All the pipes required and the fact that I'm trying to follow an efficient pattern makes even a bot factory hard to build q:
Do you know what the record for sustained rockets/second is with vanilla items? Most "megafactories" posted can barely launch rockets at all or use crazy cheat mods (bobs) so I haven't seen much quality work to know where the bar is at.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

nope I don't know any record.
I just saw these that speak about 1 rocket / minute and that seem to be vanilla objects (with helper mods):

https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... rs_played/
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by Qon »

binbinhfr wrote:nope I don't know any record.
I just saw these that speak about 1 rocket / minute and that seem to be vanilla objects (with helper mods):
Someone said that he achieved 3 rockets/minute. Should be easy to beat. The question is if I need to go higher than that q:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Score Extended

Post by binbinhfr »

Qon wrote:Someone said that he achieved 3 rockets/minute. Should be easy to beat. The question is if I need to go higher than that q:
Already seems quite high for me (in vanilla). But I do not play so much myself. My base is quite small in comparison of what I saw around. I still had no time to install my mod on it to measure my average... (I test my mod on a special "cheated" map designed for debug)

EDIT : I installed my mod on my base. 1 rocket every 15 mins !!! Pfff... I have progress to make. I spend too much time writing mods ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Score Extended - rocket score replacement

Post by binbinhfr »

working on update to 0.13 , should be ok wednesday evening.
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