Below I will attempt to describe the nature of the problem:
In short, if the p2p option is turned on, only one person at a time can be on my dedicated server. Any next which will start connecting to the server after a time, the game will respond that the connection is not possible and will write the IP address and port. The same person who is already on the server will be written such that the IP address and port has been eliminated from the game.
Now read more for which ports and IP addresses will be written when the game will say that the connect failed. If I go the first server (the server is in my local network), then when a friend tries to enter my server in the chat is writing "his Internet IP address," and my friend a plate with a message of cannot connect and the "IP address of my router"

The client and server are the games I have on different computers but on the same LAN. My friend is in another city.
However everything works fine if disable have a dedicated server "--peer-to-peer. The problem is not observed with the included p2p modes running on the server from the game client(non dedicated server) that is "play->multiplayer->new/load game" with enabled option "use peer-to-peer-communication".
I understand that the second paragraph is probably extremely difficult to understand because of the translation, but I have long tried to bring its state readability.
2 questions arise. 1) Dedicated server supported p2p? Because with p2p the game runs smoothly, better than ever. 2) Why we both can not simultaneously log to a dedicated server?