Is there an ETA on even stronger robots? Or alternatively, exposing the HP, resistance and damage values of the robots themselves in the config file?
thisAirat9000 wrote:![]()
good idea!! plaese more tanks! and aircraft!
Thanks for trying out the dev build. please post here if you have any bug reports for the in-progress stuff. Stronger robots are planned, the terminators are just the first wave of end-game droids. I may make a lot more config parameters with scalars/multipliers that you guys can use to self-balance to your own taste, things like droid health and damage-per-shot. They will default to 1.0 and if you play with some of the more crazy combat mods that make the enemies harder, you could certainly crank up the droid's damage or health to help balance it yourself to a level you are happy with. I cannot hope to include integrated balance changes for each possible combat mod you guys might have, so i'll balance it for vanilla Factorio enemies and supply you guys with more config options to play with.RemTM wrote:Liking the concept so far (using the dev build), but once the enemies get powerful enough you will eventually need A LOT of these guys to actually do any damage to any bases even with the terminators before the squad gets wiped (I play with Natural Evolution and Swarm. The volume of biters just gets out of hand so quickly... the horror)
Is there an ETA on even stronger robots? Or alternatively, exposing the HP, resistance and damage values of the robots themselves in the config file?
This is a good question. I've never done a comparison. Not even a qualitative one. I can make a quick table to show relevant values in their data like health, resistances, damage per second (damage per tick based on fire rate and then into seconds) and range etc. Also comparing their cost and raw materials. This is a good idea in general for my own balancing efforts so thanks.AlexTheNotsogreat wrote:So, how do these compare to the already present Destroyer drones?
Thanks for the explanation, wasn's sure what this would be for.kyranzor wrote:This is a good question. I've never done a comparison. Not even a qualitative one. I can make a quick table to show relevant values in their data like health, resistances, damage per second (damage per tick based on fire rate and then into seconds) and range etc. Also comparing their cost and raw materials. This is a good idea in general for my own balancing efforts so thanks.AlexTheNotsogreat wrote:So, how do these compare to the already present Destroyer drones?
To make a vague guess I'd say the SMG battle droids are weaker than destroyer drones and you'd need maybe 4-5 droids to match the same output in battle. It's a bit different because the droids can target more enemies and deal with swarms better. The SMG droids are mid-game though whereas in my opinion the destroyer drones are late-game very powerful defence drones. The development version of my mod has "terminators" which I would say are equal to or better than a destroyer drone in terms of damage but is much more survive-able.
Well the point of the mod is for you to produce troops and have them fight the biters for you - the destroyer drones from vanilla game are merely personal defence. You have to be there to deploy them and make sure they do what they're meant to. My battle droids will form groups and go fight the nearest enemies - meaning if you can produce and deploy enough troops fast enough, you can destroy all biter life! Yay!AlexTheNotsogreat wrote: Thanks for the explanation, wasn's sure what this would be for.
Code: Select all
/c game.local_player.print(game.forces['player'].get_entity_count("droid-smg"))
Code: Select all
/c game.forces['player'].kill_all_units()
some handy commands there! Thanks for that.kunkka wrote:Is there a way to "kill/delete all droids" ? A console command maybe?
I think I placed to many Battle Droids. I leaved them somewhere and they stuck because there is no more enemy near so they think too much before the next hunt and my fps dying. ~20 min and they still stuck somewhere.
I can't find them to manually pick up every soldier... and I don't want to reload the prev save too many things happened.
EDIT: I found it:
Count of your battle droids alive // replace the "droid-smg" if you want the other type of soldiers: "droid_rifle", "droid_rocket", "terminator"Kill all player controlled units (save before you do this)Code: Select all
/c game.local_player.print(game.forces['player'].get_entity_count("droid-smg"))
Code: Select all
/c game.forces['player'].kill_all_units()
kyranzor wrote: some handy commands there! Thanks for that.
You must have cleaned out a large area, the radius for checking nearby enemies is 5000 tiles. I suppose I can add some more logic for delaying another attempt at finding nearest enemy again for x seconds if they cannot find any on the first try. Basically just a re-try state loop.
Hey thanks for your feedback!kunkka wrote:
Yeah, i discovered a large area because I want to build a huge train system + a lot of outposts so i wanted to get rid of the biters for a while. But this should be not an issue, because i drop them near the enemy. I can't release them in my base, because 10-15+ min until 25 droid can find target and i have 15-20 fps under this time, so I can't do this sadly.
If i drop them in aggro range to the enemy, i can drop 300-400 and they instantly attack and i still have 40+ fps. They keep the fps, until they can find target even if they have to move to an other relatively close base, but if they can't find more, fps drops and they stop moving, start thinking. Droid 1. found target, he goes hunt, the others near him still thinking. Droid 2. found target too, but Droid 1. died in a solo rambo mission because the others still thinking.. the same happens with droid 2, 3, 4 etc.. but this is a lot of time and until all gone RIP fps. (And imagine what happens when they can't find any target).
An other solution, if the robots can't find more target in a few sec, they should go home to a "rally point" like a Train stop and there we can pick them up or a droid assembler / inserter can place them back:
- This way we can reuse them. Don't have to kill them via console and we dont waste resources
- The more important thing they dont eat the fps
- Really need the ability to pick them up by construction bots / deconstruction planner (now its right click only one by one)
- By using the train stop mechanic we can see the Rally Point on the map + we can name it like "Northern Military Base" etc.
- If we have more rally point the soldiers should go back to the nearest.
- Construction robots can repair them (it was great to see when i followed them in fight and the bots from the personal roboport repaired them)
Features if the fps problem gone:
- Maybe we can add to each "base" a max. attack / fighting range, if they cleared the area they have to come back home so they can live to fight an other day (now they fight until they die and usually the last squads are wasted because 25-50 droid can't clear a very large base. They just die pointless, because they fall before they can reach the spawners.)
- Repair and fill the squads and we can add more soldiers to the "squad"
- They can guard mining outposts
- Split the forces between other bases with logistic system / combinators
- We can build a "fortress" around the Base, with wall / gate / turrets
- Experience system ??? (Maybe this should be a squad thing not single droids.)
So much potential!
An other note:
14 hours fresh gameplay, and biter evo is 98%+, so the droids are useless the blue/green biters eat them really easy.. The Terminators can handle them, but i am really far away to build them... Now I play with a modified "entity.lua" droid-msg: 180 hp, 12 dmg, now they can handle the enemy, before they die.
The Droids shines with early / mid evolution ( <50% ), Terminators with max, but there is nothing between in these two. More soldier types maybe overkill, research upgrades would be nice like "Droid Health Point Upgrade lvl 1-2-3-4-5" +25 hp / "Droid Damage Upgrade lvl 1-2-3-4-5" +1.5 dmg. Maybe these numbers are overpowered if we build and place 1000+, but now it is not possible so we have to buff them so 250 can be strong as 1000 from the normal.
I can't wait the future updates!
If this helps, the only other information I can offer is that rarely, spawning another set of 5 will make this new 5 go off and search for biters/bases (and I'm doing this within 50 tiles so i'm not in the middle of nowhere when spawning them), occasionally the original 5 will follow them, but more times than not I'll be stuck with 10 dancing robots and a very low fps.kyranzor wrote:I wilL update the Dev branch today which has fixed droid spawning of all types, and the Droid Assembler can now spawn in the direction the building is placed in. The way the droids spas out is still an interesting anomaly that appeared during development. They didn't always do that. I am going to have a closer look at the state they are in when doing that. I can probably fix it by forcing them to wander until they get a successful target with find-nearest-enemy.
Good to hear. Great work.kyranzor wrote:Hey guys, massive update to the dev branch. It's getting really good, I am quite satisfied with the stability of the core aspects of the mod.