I've been doing a Let's play/tutorial type series of factorio on my youtube channel, and wanted to list it in here so that anyone looking for new ideas on how to do things, or for new people to the game looking to learn how to do things, might stumble across this post and be led there to see.
so far I've had a good turnout of people watching, even had a dev (well the youtube account name was factorio so i assume it was a dev) come by and comment that he liked the tutorial, but spreading factorio around is what the main goal is here, so the more the merrier.
the plan, is to complete this series, all the way through to rocket defense, and then in the future doing update re-look videos(when an update comes out, show whats new, whats been changed, etc..) so take a look let me know what you guys think, and be sure to comment, a you tuber remains the same without constructive criticism

so without further ado, here's the link to the channel
Inzainia's factorio playlist
thanks for reading this, and hope to see you on the channel