Angel's Refining

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

Moderator: Arch666Angel

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Angel's Refining

Post by Arch666Angel »

Angels Mods

I. Angels Infinite Ores
II. Angels Refining
III. Angels PetroChem
IV. Angel's Smelting
V. Angel's Bio Processing
VI. Angel's Industries
VII. Angel's Addons

X. Development and Discussion
XI. Bugs & FAQ
XII. Donations and Chocolate Fund


Replaces all ores patches with new once which you have to refine prior to smelting. All the ores (from base/bobs/YI) will be replaced by 6 new ores (saphirite, stiratite, crotinnium, jivolite, rubyte, bobmonium) and a patch resource(fissure), from which you have to refine the individual mods ores. There are 3 different modes currently: Vanilla, Bobs and Angels.
  • With vanilla there are 4 ores plus coal, better refining will increase yield for iron and copper.
  • With bobs-plates there are 6 ores plus coal, better refining will yield different ores and give you options to fine tune ore processing to your needs.
  • With angels-industries there are 6 ores plus coal, better refining will yield different ores and give you options to fine tune ore processing to your needs.
Mod File: Credits&Thanks
-Bobbingabout of bobmods for his code and mod to learn from, his advice and also for the method to use tinted ore sprite sheets.
-Orzelek of RSO mod for his advice and the great integration of infinite ores.
-YuokiTani of YuokiIndustries for advice and GFX
-ADKrieg for GFX Link|Link)
-Everyone who gave feedback and helped to develop the mod speacially Darkrail, Bonsai and Bruteman

Last edited by Arch666Angel on Tue May 10, 2016 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Smart Inserter
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Base][BOB][YI][UP][NUC] Angels Refining 0.1.4

Post by Arch666Angel »

Long description Angels Refining

All the ores (from base/bobs/YI/UP) will be replaced by 6 new ores and a patch resource, from which you have to refine the individual mods ores.

New buildings and refining steps:
-Ore Crusher: Frist refining step, raw ores are turned into crushed ores and crushed stone as byproduct
GFX by YuokiTani

-Floatation Cell: Second refining step, crushed ores and water are turned into ore chunks, a bit of sulfur (might be change to sulfur water which has to be processed to sulfur later on) and gems
GFX by YuokiTani

-Leaching Plant: Third refining step, ore chunks and sulfuric acid are turned into ore crystals
GFX by YuokiTani

-Ore Refinery: Fourth refining step, ore crystals are turned into purified ores (need of catalysts is planed)
GFX by YuokiTani

-Ore Sorting Facility: Sorts crushed ores, ore chunks, ore crystals and purified ores into smeltable minerals. Produces Slag as a byproduct for lower tier refining products (crushed, chunks, crystals)
GFX by Arch666Angel

-Filtration Unit: Filters dissoluted slag, needs a constant supply of filters to do that. Filter are made disposeable from coal or multi use from ceramic (alumina)
GFX by ADKrieg

-Crystallizer: Forces the crystallisation of higher minerals from the filtered slag solution
GFX by ADKrieg

-Thermal Extractor: Extract mineral rich thermal waters from deep underground, need a fissure to work on
GFX by Arch666Angel

-Hydro Plant: Purifies Water to be used and/or reused in the refining process, also has an alternative way to produce saline water
GFX by Arch666Angel

-Clarifier: Acts as a void pump for the specialized water variants
GFX by Arch666Angel
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