Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Fatmice »

ratchetfreak wrote: Less because you would use the rapids in the beacon setup. Chest to chest the rapid would transfer even more items than the stack upgrade allows now.
I am not convinced of that. Obviously, the chest->chest, chest->belt, and belt->chest are cases where the new rapid inserter will be superior, but assembler-types are not chests (they're gated inventories). So it is not yet clear. Why? Well it all depends on the current behavior of assembler-types driven by inserters.
  • For assembling machines, the input side must satisfy the recipe but the output side can at most accumulate up to 5x recipe or 1/5th of the item's stack-size. This max-output accumulation is not at all evident from the recipe as some only accumulate up to 2x the recipe, like the train-stop recipe. Luckily, most mass-produced intermediates and items will accumulate up to 5x recipe. Again, this is a recent change as it used to be 2x recipe prior to 0.12.
  • For furnaces, the input side must satisfy recipe while the output side can at most accumulate up to the item's stack-size.
  • For chemical plants, these behave like assembling machines. The base game only have 5 items produced by this entity namely:
    • sulfur, solid fuel -> item's stack-size
    • plastic, explosives, battery -> 5x recipe
Given their buffering behavior, I imagine that rapid-inserter->assembler-type, here representative of the overall input sides of a beaconized setup, would over-insert into the assemblers' input, which is fine. We have not seen an image/gif of how the rapid inserters behave among assembler-types to definitively deduce the assembler-type_A->rapid-inserter(s)->assembler-type_B or assembler-type_X->rapid-inserter->chest/belt. The former represents inter-assembler item movements and processings while the later represents the final outputs. So it is not so clear.
If the buffering behavior is any indication, as seen here where it is grabbing items off the belt as they come,
I might deduce that the rapid inserter will grab items from the output of assembler-type_A as it is produced and store in its buffer to be released in one move when full to the input of assembler-type_B or from assembler-type_X to chest/belt. Aside from the initial wave-like propagation of activities, the sustained activities will be as smooth as they are now with beaconized builds. Is this a reasonable deduction? I don't know, but it certainly makes sense.

If this is not the case, then rapid-inserters can not be used because they will get stuck since the outputs will never have enough items to immediately fill their buffer to allow a movement. This would mean that the rapid inserters should only be used on the intitial inputs of a beaconized setup. Internal intermediates movement among assembler-types would need to be handled by non-rapid inserter for buffer-free/on-demand throughput. Here, there is a very real possibility that a beaconized setup will be bottlenecked by non-rapid inserters and not the beacon layout. How can I make such a statement when 0.13 is not out? Because current beacon builds can already saturate fast inserters with stack-bonus. Remove the stack-bonus and well what does logic say? Use more fast inserter. This leads to?...Thus it remains to be seen whether the computational savings really exist.
ratchetfreak wrote: Most people have 1 item per belt-lane which is always constantly fed. This means that the rapid inserter will eventually pick up it's full stack, check the target inventory for what it still can accept and then start picking up items again depending on what is missing in the assembler.
The belt->assembler use case with rapid inserter is not an issue. The input side has never been an issue.
ratchetfreak wrote: Then there is that the rapid inserter would make copper wire on belts viable again (still not recommended but could get max speed out of a circuit assembler).
Well this is like asking what's your favorite color. :lol:
ssilk wrote: Hm. Not everything. See, there are objective, measurable reasons, why this change is better, than yet; the main point is, that it reduces complexity by reducing similar working inserters. Or take the smart inserter, which will become worthless with 0.13. And it removes a very high (but hidden!) complexity (remove the SSB), which is not needed it any case and sometimes also contra-productive. And it combines that with more specialization, which increases the gameplay by increasing the complexity only a bit.
I can only say it remains to be seen. There is nothing like measure the proposed change against real usage in megabases.
ssilk wrote: I have critizied the useless basic inserter, but I don't have a good idea, only the moduled inserters (your idea)... Some technology with such frames and equiping the frames is surely the right way for later game, but not with items, that are so heavy used as inserters.
Blueprints to the rescue. Why lay all of those modular inserters down by hand and insert in their respective modules? Make a good layout then let the bots do the tedious work for you. Also it is not like every modular inserter must have a module to work. For most use case, one-to-one insertion is sufficient. I see here is a really good way to expand the Factorio's theme of automation through blueprinting, modularity, and redesign.
ssilk wrote: So I can say: For me (from my sight as moderator and handling most of the suggestions) it's a very clever change. But, well, it's of course just my opinion. :)

Well, that is of course your opinion. ;) There might be some truth in it. But I don't think so cause I cannot know it. Instead I assume, that the devs will do always their very best. I can sleep much better with this thinking. ;)

Ok, I think they made some decisions and are not very sure about the details, but the decision is like so, cause they need to fill the gaps that comes with 0.13.

All we can do now is to have useful ideas, but rejection will bring nobody forward.
I wouldn't characterize what I've said thus far as outright rejection of their ideas but more of unimpressed. I trust but verify. So we'll see how it goes in 0.13.
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by daemonazazel »

The new inserter mechanics sound interesting. I'm going to try them and THEN I'm going to decide whether I like them or not.

But I think I might like them.

Reading all the posts I came up with an idea. It's not really finished, but I'll throw it into the ring anyway:

How about a modular inserter design. Something that won't be achievable by science alone. I'm thinking like

Basic inserter needs basic ressources.
Now I add a long arm so it becomes a long inserter.. that costs ressources of course.
Now I want it to be smart, so I take some circuits and make it a smart long inserter
Now I need it to stack, so I take even more ressources and make it stack a bit
Now I need it to stack even more, so I don't do research, but I take more i.e. steel and make it stack some more
And now I decide I want my super stacking smart long inserter to run on fuel? Sure. Add a furnace and I'll get a smart long super stacking burner inserter. Plus a mortgage on my latest factory. ;-)

Stacking when taking from / putting into boxes and stacking when taking from / putting onto belts could be different modifications, so could be long arms for taking or putting down.

By making it about the production process and not about the research, I use different inserters for different situations cause it would be quite expensive to use smart long super stacking burner inserters everywhere.

You could also add an increasing complexity penalty for the 2., 3d, 4th, ... modification. That way an inserter that has been modified 7 times could easily end up costing 50 blue circuits if necessary.

Only problem: I don't really want to end up with an exponential amount of different icons in each dialog

Update: Maybe inserters with module slots could solve that. I'd have to research AND pay to be able to produce inserters with an increasing number of module slots and then I can decide what I need it to do by putting the right modules into it. And blueprints would help me automate the modularization.

You could start off with some predefined inserters and then invent the "modular inserter" later on.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Hindenobyl »

I'll start off with, I don't have a big issue with these changes, at least in concept. However, what seems to have been overlooked is how these changes will destroy the usefulness of direct insertion for high throughput items, such as copper cable and gears. If I understood the post correctly, only rapid inserters will have a stack size bonus and will wait indefinitely for their full stack capacity up to 12 items. Currently, assembly machines stop working when they have stored 8 copper cable as an output, which means after researching enough stack size bonuses, all direct insertion using rapid inseters will suddenly stop working, which would be highly annoying for experienced players and highly confusing for newer players. I suggest, not having the rapid inserters wait for a full stack or changing assembly machine behavior in order to accommodate this change. Otherwise we will need more green circuit production than is necessary or will have to make needlessly complicated green circuit builds. Basically we go from this:
gsn.PNG (597.64 KiB) Viewed 5887 times

To this:
gsl.PNG (730.47 KiB) Viewed 5887 times
Which is, in my opinion, is more effort than should be required for such a basic resource.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by daniel34 »

Hindenobyl wrote:If I understood the post correctly, only rapid inserters will have a stack size bonus and will wait indefinitely for their full stack capacity up to 12 items. Currently, assembly machines stop working when they have stored 8 copper cable as an output, which means after researching enough stack size bonuses, all direct insertion using rapid inseters will suddenly stop working.
The output limit in assembling machines (the 8 copper cable you mentioned) is relative to the stack inserter bonus. AFAIK it is two times the output plus the inserter bonus (and an extra item?), which would increase if the stack size bonus was also increased.

Additionally, when taking from a non-belt-entity (chest, assembler, furnace,...) the current inserters using the stack size bonus don't wait until they are full, but will take all the items they can carry and are provided by the entity. If there are only 2 items in the output slot then they will take them and insert into the next entity, even if their bonus is 5. I think the same logic would apply to the rapid inserter.
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by ratchetfreak »

Fatmice wrote:
ratchetfreak wrote: Less because you would use the rapids in the beacon setup. Chest to chest the rapid would transfer even more items than the stack upgrade allows now.
I am not convinced of that. Obviously, the chest->chest, chest->belt, and belt->chest are cases where the new rapid inserter will be superior, but assembler-types are not chests (they're gated inventories). So it is not yet clear. Why? Well it all depends on the current behavior of assembler-types driven by inserters.
  • For assembling machines, the input side must satisfy the recipe but the output side can at most accumulate up to 5x recipe or 1/5th of the item's stack-size. This max-output accumulation is not at all evident from the recipe as some only accumulate up to 2x the recipe, like the train-stop recipe. Luckily, most mass-produced intermediates and items will accumulate up to 5x recipe. Again, this is a recent change as it used to be 2x recipe prior to 0.12.
  • For furnaces, the input side must satisfy recipe while the output side can at most accumulate up to the item's stack-size.
  • For chemical plants, these behave like assembling machines. The base game only have 5 items produced by this entity namely:
    • sulfur, solid fuel -> item's stack-size
    • plastic, explosives, battery -> 5x recipe
Given their buffering behavior, I imagine that rapid-inserter->assembler-type, here representative of the overall input sides of a beaconized setup, would over-insert into the assemblers' input, which is fine. We have not seen an image/gif of how the rapid inserters behave among assembler-types to definitively deduce the assembler-type_A->rapid-inserter(s)->assembler-type_B or assembler-type_X->rapid-inserter->chest/belt. The former represents inter-assembler item movements and processings while the later represents the final outputs. So it is not so clear.
If the buffering behavior is any indication, as seen here where it is grabbing items off the belt as they come,
I might deduce that the rapid inserter will grab items from the output of assembler-type_A as it is produced and store in its buffer to be released in one move when full to the input of assembler-type_B or from assembler-type_X to chest/belt. Aside from the initial wave-like propagation of activities, the sustained activities will be as smooth as they are now with beaconized builds. Is this a reasonable deduction? I don't know, but it certainly makes sense.

If this is not the case, then rapid-inserters can not be used because they will get stuck since the outputs will never have enough items to immediately fill their buffer to allow a movement. This would mean that the rapid inserters should only be used on the intitial inputs of a beaconized setup. Internal intermediates movement among assembler-types would need to be handled by non-rapid inserter for buffer-free/on-demand throughput. Here, there is a very real possibility that a beaconized setup will be bottlenecked by non-rapid inserters and not the beacon layout. How can I make such a statement when 0.13 is not out? Because current beacon builds can already saturate fast inserters with stack-bonus. Remove the stack-bonus and well what does logic say? Use more fast inserter. This leads to?...Thus it remains to be seen whether the computational savings really exist.
I presumed that the waiting behavior was only for belt->* behavior only while inventory->inventory behavior works the same way as in 0.12: grab as much as it can and move it even if the stack bonus isn't completely fulfilled.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Klonan »

Hindenobyl wrote:Currently, assembly machines stop working when they have stored 8 copper cable as an output, which means after researching enough stack size bonuses, all direct insertion using rapid inseters will suddenly stop working, which would be highly annoying for experienced players and highly confusing for newer players.

Thats not how it will work

This example setup shows how direct insertion will be more effective with the rapid inserters:

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Hindenobyl »

Klonan wrote:
Hindenobyl wrote:Currently, assembly machines stop working when they have stored 8 copper cable as an output, which means after researching enough stack size bonuses, all direct insertion using rapid inseters will suddenly stop working, which would be highly annoying for experienced players and highly confusing for newer players.

Thats not how it will work

This example setup shows how direct insertion will be more effective with the rapid inserters:
I stand corrected. Thank you for the clarification.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Mr. Tact »

Seeing as the inserter will wait for a "full load" before acting it seems "Bulk Inserter" would seem more appropriate than "Rapid Inserter" (as already suggested by others). As far as the removal of the bonus from other inserters... not sure how I feel about that. I'll have to see how it impacts the game play. I won't complain about it unless I see a significant negative impact after implementation. But in general I'm just glad work continues to be done on the game. :)
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by RobertTerwilliger »

cbensi wrote:So I have wasted all the time I spent into making these monstrosities...
big images
Oh, well. At least I get new toys to play with...
Still nothing stops you to use new Rapid Inserters to have fun with (chest-inserter-chest) chains. As well as any other setups that need stack size.
It's quite okay to loose stack size on other inserters. IF:
- new inserter will have "smart" function
- it won't wait for eternity to fullfil stack (to avoid many stacks of items stuck in system after, say, mining site is done) - it has to have reset timer

We will loose long-handed stack insertion, but... That's not a really big deal. Quite few setups will become obsolete with this loss. Not happy about a loss itself, but it's probably needed for consistency.
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Fatmice »

Klonan wrote: Thats not how it will work

This example setup shows how direct insertion will be more effective with the rapid inserters:
That gif would have been great if it was on the FF. Maybe you should write the FF ;)
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Zeblote »

cbensi wrote:So I have wasted all the time I spent into making these monstrosities...

Oh, well. At least I get new toys to play with...
Probably, and if they're no longer necessary, that's great. I don't want to waste time building things like that... :D

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by V453000 »

RobertTerwilliger wrote: It's quite okay to loose stack size on other inserters. IF:
- new inserter will have "smart" function
- it won't wait for eternity to fullfil stack (to avoid many stacks of items stuck in system after, say, mining site is done) - it has to have reset timer
I understand why you want the filtering function of the new inserter (for train unloading I presume), but why avoid waiting for full stack?
Just not leaving things behind in mining sites sounds like no problem, you usually disassemble them with construction robots anyway.

Way I see it, this is actually extremely interesting. Having them be dumb and wait for full stack to be moved creates the mechanical difference between them, and allows for more distinct areas where fast inserter is more viable.
Also, you could do: Imagine 1 chest from which 2 inserters are taking out of - one stack inserter, one fast inserter. As long as there would be low amount of resources in the chest, the stack inserter wouldn't even take them, while the fast inserter could.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by dee- »

V453000 wrote:Also, you could do: Imagine 1 chest from which 2 inserters are taking out of - one stack inserter, one fast inserter. As long as there would be low amount of resources in the chest, the stack inserter wouldn't even take them, while the fast inserter could.
Wait, this means the stack inserter only takes full stacks from chests/factories and ignores anything less until a whole stack is available, while picking up/dropping items one by one from belt/ground and increments the number of items held until a full stack is reached and then does the twist?

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Fatmice »

dee- wrote: Wait, this means the stack inserter only takes full stacks from chests/factories and ignores anything less until a whole stack is available, while picking up/dropping items one by one from belt/ground and increments the number of items held until a full stack is reached and then does the twist?
What Klonan has posted doesn't show that behavior, which was a relief.
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by Nemoricus »

Out of curiosity, what happens when a rapid inserter tries to move items that have a stack size less the inserter's stack bonus? Like, say, roboports? Will it move when it has a full stack of roboports, or will it wait until it has as many roboports as its stack size will allow?

Also, what happens when a rapid inserter tries to move an item to a container with only one slot open, but with more than a stack's worth of items in hand?

And as for assembler-assembler behavior of rapid inserters...does this make sense? For container to belt and belt to container, the rapid inserter will try to accumulate items until it has a full stack in hand. So, it's inconsistent that it doesn't do this when moving items from assembler to assembler.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by nobodx »

I still favor the timer based reset approach.
A rapid inserter grabs every item it could get its claw on, but when it can't get any item for (let's say) 1 second (or 2) it will move, even with just a single item.

This way, your factory won't shut down because of lazy rapid inserters, and fast inserters would be in (relatively) low throughput areas still superior.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by RobertTerwilliger »

V453000 wrote:
RobertTerwilliger wrote: It's quite okay to loose stack size on other inserters. IF:
- new inserter will have "smart" function
- it won't wait for eternity to fullfil stack (to avoid many stacks of items stuck in system after, say, mining site is done) - it has to have reset timer
I understand why you want the filtering function of the new inserter (for train unloading I presume), but why avoid waiting for full stack?
Just not leaving things behind in mining sites sounds like no problem, you usually disassemble them with construction robots anyway.

Way I see it, this is actually extremely interesting. Having them be dumb and wait for full stack to be moved creates the mechanical difference between them, and allows for more distinct areas where fast inserter is more viable.
Also, you could do: Imagine 1 chest from which 2 inserters are taking out of - one stack inserter, one fast inserter. As long as there would be low amount of resources in the chest, the stack inserter wouldn't even take them, while the fast inserter could.
Yes, we use bots for deconstruction, but where will all those stacks go? Into player inventory. And quite likely there'll be more than 1 stack of ore. Well, if you increase inventory size - it'll be okay, but now I often have troubles with all those precious items I think are often needed, that already take about half of inventory. Add with all those chests, inserters, drills, modules, turrets, walls which will be deconstructed - then those 2-3 ore stacks would REALLY bother. Especially with that annoying (but needed for sure) beeping "achtung! inventory is full! completely! no place for stuff! do something! now!")

So the idea is inserters have reset timer. Let it be, say, 5 seconds (or 10. or, hell, 60!)), so it'll be really useless in sparse flow of items, as it'll become slower than regular inserter, but it won't leave those annoying remains.

And yes, filtering is needed for outpost supply trains - you don't want 5 wagons to bring 5 different item types. Although those supplies usually needed in quite small quantities - but new outpost will take a lot initially.
As an option - give us filter chest, so inserter won't place in it items that are not desired, just like we use filters in wagons. (If we have the function already - I haven't manage to find it. Wasn't really thorough, if honestly))
Fatmice wrote:
dee- wrote:Wait, this means the stack inserter only takes full stacks from chests/factories and ignores anything less until a whole stack is available, while picking up/dropping items one by one from belt/ground and increments the number of items held until a full stack is reached and then does the twist?
What Klonan has posted doesn't show that behavior, which was a relief.
Actually, it does. Note all those speed modules. Inserters do take stacks on the gif. Another question is: "do they take stacks because wires have time to build up before stack in circuit input is used, OR because inserter waits for stack in direct transfer also?"
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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by UberWaffe »

Klonan wrote:
Hindenobyl wrote:Currently, assembly machines stop working when they have stored 8 copper cable as an output, which means after researching enough stack size bonuses, all direct insertion using rapid inseters will suddenly stop working, which would be highly annoying for experienced players and highly confusing for newer players.

Thats not how it will work

This example setup shows how direct insertion will be more effective with the rapid inserters:
As always, personal experience and opinion ahead.
I like the new stack inserters.
Between meh and disgruntled about the new full stack only or no stack at all split.
Conveyor half of throughput problem not yet addressed.

Personally I think this perfectly demonstrate why I always inevitably move from belts to bots + chests.
The inserters are not the bottleneck. Try out any mod with significantly faster inserters (which will be similar in throughput to the proposed stack inserters).
As per the GIF above, the belt is the thing that runs empty. A nearly fully compressed express belt of iron and it is stripped next to clean by a single pair of green circuit makers.
And even then the assembler on the right has moments where it is waiting for iron.

Yes, I see that it is heavily speed boosted. I get that. Point is that item stacks on a belt are always only 1 big, so you can strip several 'tiles' of conveyor clean and end up with only 18 or so items.

The new stack inserters (as great as they are) will end up making this more apparent. (I.e. the throughput argument of belts + inserters vs. bots will just move from the inserters to the belt.)
Yes, you can always run more belts to less assemblers, but this more easily becomes spaghetti, takes far more space, takes far more time, takes more locked resources in both belt cost and stock on belts, and boils down to 'inventing my own hobble' since a (subjectively) superior alternative exists.
(Subjective because this is a game, and purely larger numbers is not always the aim.)

So while I think the stack inserter is a great addition, I do not think it will outweigh bot usefulness in terms of (non-hassle) high end throughput.
Not because bots are 'overpowered' in some fashion, but because I think belt mechanics do not scale well.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by ratchetfreak »

RobertTerwilliger wrote:
V453000 wrote:
RobertTerwilliger wrote: It's quite okay to loose stack size on other inserters. IF:
- new inserter will have "smart" function
- it won't wait for eternity to fullfil stack (to avoid many stacks of items stuck in system after, say, mining site is done) - it has to have reset timer
I understand why you want the filtering function of the new inserter (for train unloading I presume), but why avoid waiting for full stack?
Just not leaving things behind in mining sites sounds like no problem, you usually disassemble them with construction robots anyway.

Way I see it, this is actually extremely interesting. Having them be dumb and wait for full stack to be moved creates the mechanical difference between them, and allows for more distinct areas where fast inserter is more viable.
Also, you could do: Imagine 1 chest from which 2 inserters are taking out of - one stack inserter, one fast inserter. As long as there would be low amount of resources in the chest, the stack inserter wouldn't even take them, while the fast inserter could.
Yes, we use bots for deconstruction, but where will all those stacks go? Into player inventory. And quite likely there'll be more than 1 stack of ore. Well, if you increase inventory size - it'll be okay, but now I often have troubles with all those precious items I think are often needed, that already take about half of inventory. Add with all those chests, inserters, drills, modules, turrets, walls which will be deconstructed - then those 2-3 ore stacks would REALLY bother. Especially with that annoying (but needed for sure) beeping "achtung! inventory is full! completely! no place for stuff! do something! now!")

So the idea is inserters have reset timer. Let it be, say, 5 seconds (or 10. or, hell, 60!)), so it'll be really useless in sparse flow of items, as it'll become slower than regular inserter, but it won't leave those annoying remains.

And yes, filtering is needed for outpost supply trains - you don't want 5 wagons to bring 5 different item types. Although those supplies usually needed in quite small quantities - but new outpost will take a lot initially.
As an option - give us filter chest, so inserter won't place in it items that are not desired, just like we use filters in wagons. (If we have the function already - I haven't manage to find it. Wasn't really thorough, if honestly))
Fatmice wrote:
dee- wrote:Wait, this means the stack inserter only takes full stacks from chests/factories and ignores anything less until a whole stack is available, while picking up/dropping items one by one from belt/ground and increments the number of items held until a full stack is reached and then does the twist?
What Klonan has posted doesn't show that behavior, which was a relief.
Actually, it does. Note all those speed modules. Inserters do take stacks on the gif. Another question is: "do they take stacks because wires have time to build up before stack in circuit input is used, OR because inserter waits for stack in direct transfer also?"
If the outpost won't take a lot in stead state then you don't need the stack bonus.

Look carefully at the hand of the inserters, you will see them holding a wire while waiting to pick up from the wire assemblers. This would mean that it empties out the assembler while waiting on the stack.

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Re: Friday Facts #137 - The release scarecrow

Post by dee- »

ratchetfreak wrote:
RobertTerwilliger wrote:
Fatmice wrote:
dee- wrote:Wait, this means the stack inserter only takes full stacks from chests/factories and ignores anything less until a whole stack is available, while picking up/dropping items one by one from belt/ground and increments the number of items held until a full stack is reached and then does the twist?
What Klonan has posted doesn't show that behavior, which was a relief.
Actually, it does. Note all those speed modules. Inserters do take stacks on the gif. Another question is: "do they take stacks because wires have time to build up before stack in circuit input is used, OR because inserter waits for stack in direct transfer also?"
If the outpost won't take a lot in stead state then you don't need the stack bonus.

Look carefully at the hand of the inserters, you will see them holding a wire while waiting to pick up from the wire assemblers. This would mean that it empties out the assembler while waiting on the stack.
Yup, something I also noticed, it's pretty easy to see the inserter holds a wire quite early and invisibly grabs more and more wires until it's stack is full and them moves them. But this contradicts what V453000 said, so I asked (and got no response :( )

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