[MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by alexgor »

Hmmm. But they do start to produce fish when you're close to them,
or not at all?
yes, they do
but when ill far away - they not
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Quazar »

I almost can't comment on the fish. I got frustrated and punted, edited the config to basically take most of the randomness out of the equation. Now I can walk across my ocean on the backs of this most basic food product. @alexgor I didn't see what you describe, except the "there are no fish" part.

IMHO the starting Fishery performance should be at least a little easier, and it would be fun (though difficult to code?) to have the a tier reward provide Fishery Two which would effect the same thing I did by hacking the configuration. As it stands I wonder if anyone has solved this part of feeding a hungry Homeworld with the mod as distributed?

Code: Select all

$ diff config.lua_DIST config.lua
<         fish_reproduction_chance = 0.06,
<         fish_die_chance = 0.07,
<         fish_die_chance_increase_per_fishery = 0.06,
<         reproduction_interval = 40 * SECONDS,
>         fish_reproduction_chance = 1.06,
>         fish_die_chance = 0.00,
>         fish_die_chance_increase_per_fishery = 0.00,
>         reproduction_interval = 10 * SECONDS,
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Quazar »

Wanted to share my solution to Luxury Meals and see what you guys think. Almost 1.4k tuna casserole per minute. The bakeries don't really need all that speed but (as with everything) we didn't tune those but just made too many to be sure :lol:

Requires 6 arms at the portal so that part is fun too since the goals require a few replications.

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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by ljdp »

Quazar wrote:Wanted to share my solution to Luxury Meals and see what you guys think. Almost 1.4k tuna casserole per minute. The bakeries don't really need all that speed but (as with everything) we didn't tune those but just made too many to be sure :lol:

Requires 6 arms at the portal so that part is fun too since the goals require a few replications.

This is great! I haven't even got to the stage of luxury meals yet xD although I admit every time I find a game-breaking bug I restart from scratch.

As per the fisheries, yeah they could probably do with a re-design. It seems Factorio doesn't simulate fish when they're far away (which makes sense). Water purity is just how not polluted the area around the fishery is, Fish amount is the number of fish currently near the fishery (which wont update if you're far away), yield is a combination of the two above (modified for nearby fisheries) plus a coefficient from the config.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Bushdoctor »

ljdp wrote: As per the fisheries, yeah they could probably do with a re-design. It seems Factorio doesn't simulate fish when they're far away (which makes sense). Water purity is just how not polluted the area around the fishery is, Fish amount is the number of fish currently near the fishery (which wont update if you're far away), yield is a combination of the two above (modified for nearby fisheries) plus a coefficient from the config.
Thanks for explaining that.
I was doing some tests and basically came to that same conclusion: If the Fish Amount is at zero, you will catch zero.
No matter the purity or yield levels.

So, what is the purity level that I have to reach to have fish spawn again?
I'd love to start on the Homeland deliveries, but without fish I'm probably going to fail quite fast...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Quazar »

Yikes it's like how a spawner won't do anything in Minecraft unless you're standing in or near the chunk?

The issue doesn't seem to be directly about yield but more about reproduction. I could be wrong but it seems if the fish don't replace themselves more often, the fishery will consume them until there are none. Once there are none there's zero chance of reproduction, so then we'd have to wait on the shore for the (unlikely) event that a fish comes in from the deep ocean, to get any more. Maybe?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Bushdoctor »

That seems correct, yes. :(

I'm gonna try switching to green power, clean up my pollution, and see if I can get some fish to spawn again...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Quazar »

You could try what I did, maybe you already saw it... use FARL to make a bridge over some new water with fishies...


Don't do it the way I did it, only put the fisheries on one side or at least spread them out more (so they don't compete and kill the fish unnecessarily, I guess you saw that part, congestion = death).

SO, that said, I'm sure there must be something to this "if you're not close they don't simulate" discussion, but every time I've checked the far north part of the bridge there are fish queued up... of course I did hack the config rules so my results are mostly bogus... IDK, maybe the train visiting nearby is what keeps me going.

Good luck!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by seronis »

Quazar wrote:Yikes it's like how a spawner won't do anything in Minecraft unless you're standing in or near the chunk?
Slightly useless information but no. Minecraft spawners will unload like anything else when the entire chunk is unloaded, but even when they ARE loaded and having their 'tick' event polled they do an intintional distance check for the nearest player and only spawn if someone is found within their target min/max range. ((source: i used to mod minecraft and one of my mods was harvesting souls that you could attach to spawners you found to change what they spawn so im familiar with their behavior))

Fish in factorio dont even process at all. They're effectively unloaded at a distance even when other things are still processing.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Coffee_Zombie »

So I just started using the through put monitors and belt gates so im thinking it has something to do with it.
Error while running the event handler: __homeworld__/actors/belt_actor.lua:13: LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
Then back to menu screen.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Tanzom »

Yea i got the same error - Error while running the event handler: __homeworld__/actors/belt_actor.lua:13: LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid. - upon loading the save game. Its like, every time you fix one problem, another 2 come out :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by ljdp »

Tanzom wrote:Yea i got the same error - Error while running the event handler: __homeworld__/actors/belt_actor.lua:13: LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid. - upon loading the save game. Its like, every time you fix one problem, another 2 come out :D
That's just the story of all software development.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Quazar »

[A message came through the portal today, wow]

To our esteemed hero:

Thanks to you our world is saved!

After relying on you for generations we recently received your shipment of the rocket silo required for our people to return to space; sufficient terraformers to create a new eden over the scarred wasteland you left so long ago; all the tree programs we will need to establish wonderful forests and nearly every terraformer program needed for ample grassland.

Over time our society has reformed with familiar structure: an elite ruling class of 1000 go-getters like you and 99,000 others who do share in the luxury meals and wine. We’ve had to be careful with personal electronics so most of what you’ve sent has been stored in a warehouse so to ensure the 1% will indefinitely enjoy taking their music and games when away from home.

At this point our population will only grow provided you can maintain the delivery of homePhones. We have every confidence this will be the case, even as you meet our requests for the other terraform programs needed to recreate the world the way our ancestors enjoyed before the cataclysm.

Our goal of 10,000,000 is inevitable and we cannot imagine what will come after that so we wanted to send this letter of appreciation and encouragement today. Please know that even as you continue to convert the resources of that alien world into what we need to thrive, you can carry in your heart the eternal gratitude of your home world!

[What fun, if the game doesn't include something a lot like Homeworld in the future it will be interesting to see what could be a better resource sink... so awesome :D well done and thanks!!]

Last edited by Quazar on Sat May 14, 2016 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Poolshark »

ljdp wrote:
Tanzom wrote:Yea i got the same error - Error while running the event handler: __homeworld__/actors/belt_actor.lua:13: LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid. - upon loading the save game. Its like, every time you fix one problem, another 2 come out :D
That's just the story of all software development.
Please tell me someone is looking into this. I started the mod, spent hours building my city then this. Restarted game built city and now this again. I really enjoy the mod but don't want to start over again.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by ljdp »

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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by wahming »


The folder structure needs fixing. Unzipping and renaming the folder to lowercase worked for me, but I believe convention is for mods to work while zipped now ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by wahming »

Apparently farm produce does not stack - if you don't collect it, the resources never increase beyond the first spawn. Is that intentional?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by malk0lm »

For some reason the homeworld button does not appear for me on my server. Any idea on what could be going on?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by judos »

Hi there,

By chance saw this mod and wanted to try it out.
Although I had some starting problems it looks quite cool :P

1. The zip file content should have a folder which is named the same way as your mod, case sensitive (homeworld_1.2.2 did it for me) otherwise I could not start factorio with it.

2. The gui doesn't open @malk0lm:
If you are playing on multiplayer you have to change the code a little bit:

in control.lua around line 122 I set:

Code: Select all

   show_gui = function()
		for i,player in pairs(game.players) do
Then you can execute ingame (you need to have commands activated:
/c remote.call("homeworld","show_gui")

Also if you installed the mod and start an existing world you might want to give your players a portal:
/c game.player.insert{name="homeworld_portal"}

So far it works now for me. Have fun :D

/edit: Oh I found out the gui opens and closes automatically when you get near the portal. :P Seems like this was not a real issue...

/edit2: Do you know how this mod plays together with Gloom ?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.20+] Homeworld

Post by Kirby »

I have to say, I have a few issues with this mod. I feel like you are meant to place the portal after having finished the vanilla game, because sustaining the portal and simultaneously conducting research and expanding your factory is nearly impossible. I think this takes away from the intended experience. I get that balancing a huge mod ontop of a already balanced game is hard, but with the way most machines in your mod work the thought of placing the portal at the start is just ridiculous.

1. I experienced factorio to be about throughput (resources per time), neither absolute resources nor absolute time (and after 150h I think I got the game). The farm for example produces a huge amount of resources, but takes a long time. Therefore the throughput is a bit hard to handle, but totally usable. In contrast a fisher produces a huge amount of resources without any visible timer or any indicator on how much fish you get how fast (maybe display that info along with air- and water quality?). I think the fisher should work similar to an oil well, producing a constant dribble of fish that decreases with yield.

2. Finite resources are a part of factorio (every mineral) but wood should not be one of them. You even implemented a seeder, so why not make it available at the same time the sawmill is? As far as I remember that´s how it worked in Anno. Maybe integrate the seeder into the sawmill and have it consume "saplings" (a combination of raw wood, water and stone)?

3. I hate resources getting lost. Is there a possibility for the portal to either only accept (and delete) the items it needs (and hopefully save the resources it does not need yet), or for me to order my items back if they´re not consumed yet. Maybe treat the portal as the input of a machine with overly large inventory, that only consumes what it needs? Also I think think that downgrading the civilization is dumb, because I can´t predict what I will need on the next stage. Therefore I reach the next stage, get downgraded again because I´m not producing the new resources and get upgraded again. I get that it´s meant to not have a safety net at every step, but I think it´s hard enough to reach the next stage already.

Anyways, love your mod, love the idea and will definitely continue to play it! Cheers!
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